~PNuTT~ profile picture


... ♥ DoN'T LeT the NaMe FooL YoU!!! ♥ ...

About Me

... JuST TRyiN'2 LiVe LiFe to the FuLLeST ...
... and TheSe aRe the PeePs I LoVe SPeNDiN' that TiMe WiTh ...
::: PiX of My MoST ReCeNT ReNDeZVoUs :::
KuN's LiL' BiRFDaY PaRTaY 1.26.06 PaRT 1
JuST ANoTheR ChiNo KiCkBaCk - KuN's BDaY PaRT 2
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My Interests

PiCTuReS , chiLLen at da vaLLey w/ the FaM BaM , driNKinG CoROnaS , shOppiNG, HoLd'eM, VoDKa n ReD BuLL, Dr. PePPeR, LoBSTeR n STeAk , FLaMiN' HoT ChEEtOs, BoWLinG , shOTs of CaPTaiN MoRgaN, SuSHi , neThinG ChicKeN, taLkinG to my BeST FriENd NaTALiE , plAYinG PaSoy Dos, or KiLLeR, or 13--wutever u want to call it-- BuSt-A-MOvE, SinGinG in da CaR w/ the HoMiEs , ToE SocKs, VSOP E&J , PiLLoWs, GyMnaSTiCs, LiSTeNinG to SLoW JaMz , SLeePinG, FuNiOn ChiPs, HeNNeSy-n-CoKe or shOts of XoXo HeNNeSy , CaR RiDes, MarLBorO MeNthOL LiGhts, CHoCoLaTe cOvErD pReTzeLs, SuNDaYs, RaSBeRRy IcE tEa, FeTTiCiNE aLFreDo, TExT MeSSaGEs, da coLoR BroWn , sEEinG pEopLE sMiLe BacK at mEEh, TaTTooS , PiErcinGs, MeXiCaN FooD, iTaLiaN FooD, back seat RiDiNg on RiCe RoCkETs (until i learn to ride myself), ChuNKy MoNKey, VeNTi CaRaMeL MaCChIaToS from StaRBucKS, SnOwBoaRDinG , and now WaKeBOaRdiNg ...n of course, MySpAcE...hehehe (^_^)

I'd like to meet:

... a MuLTi-MiLLioN DoLLaR WiNNiNg LoTTeRy TiCkET ...
... SN :: LiLMsPnuTT ...


SLoW JaMz, RnB, HiP HoP, UnDeRGrouND HiP HoP, RaP, GAnGsTA RaP, 80's OLd SchOOL ShiOt, NeW WaVe, FReeSTyLe, TrANce, EmO , RoCK, ALteRNaTivE, some PoP, and i even heard some CouNtRy that doesn't sound that bad...hehehe


aLL of the DiSnEy / PiXaR movies---ToY StoRy, FiNdinG NEmO, LiLo N STiTcH, eTc... ASiaN FLiX ---HoUSe of FLyiN' DaGGeRs, HeRo, AniMe--especially INiTiaL D, etc...


I'm an MTV JUnkiE and a FooD NeTWoRk JUnkiE, and i LuV the SiMpSoNs , PRiSoN BReAK , HoUSe, GReY's AnATomY , and HeRoEs ...


My CaLeNDeR PLaNNeR.....


... My MoM ...

My Blog

OMG...guess who i met!?!

ok, i was down in da VaLLey, more like WooDLand HiLLs, the weekend before VaLeNTine's DaY. i had gone down there to pick up my BesT FRieND NaTaLiE. WE had gone to the Chinese restaurant PF ChanGs for ...
Posted by ~PreSCioUS~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST