peachy profile picture


I Always Come Out On Top!

About Me

Haaaaayyyyyy! My name is Kesta and I attend SOUTHERN MISS - TO THA TOP! It's alright I guess, Hattiesburg is a lot better than tha coast tho. When you're under 21 that is. I love to go out and party and have a good time. I love to laugh and make other people laugh. I love to go shopping, it should be my job. I work at the Payne Center on campus and I love it! I love to flirt even though it gets me in trouble sometimes. I'm pretty much down to earth and easy to get along with, but take my advice and don't get on my bad side or you will get burned. Or stabbed. Or shot. But somethin will happen to yo ass! lol. But that's all the info i'm gonna give up for now. If you wanna know more just hit me up! But not in a creepy way that some people seem to like to do. :)
**~Long Survey~** (w/ good grammar and decent, unique questions)
The Basics and Some Personals
Name:: Kesta
Age:: 19
Shoe Size:: 8.5-9
Height:: 5'5 or 5'6. Not really sure tho
Weight:: Definitely not putting that on here
Pants Size:: Big enough to cover my ass
Shirt Size:: Medium or Large
Innie or Outie?: Innie
Love Questions
Are you in Love?: No
Are you single or taken?: Single
If single, for how long?: About 6 months
If taken, for how long?:
If taken, by whom?:
Do you like guys or girls?: Guys
What do you think about Sporty guys?: I seem to always end up with them so I guess I like them
Smart?: Cant be smarter than me
Dorky?: Cute, but could never date one
Popular?: Dont necessarily want them to be popular, but do want them to be well-liked
Your Favorites
Kind of Food:: Chinese and American
Color:: Blue and Purple
Song:: Dont have a favorite right now
Band:: Fall Out Boy
Singer:: Dont have a favorite right now
CD:: Dont have one
Kind of Music:: Hip Hop and Rap
Animal:: Puppy
Place to be?: Jackson or Atlanta
Vacation spot:: Dont really have a favorite
Actor:: Will Ferrell
Actress:: Dont have one
Comedian:: Dave Chappelle
Soap Opera:: Dont watch em
Day Time Talk Show:: I guess Oprah
Game Show:: Dont really watch game shows anymore
All Around Favorite Show:: Family Guy
Drink:: Too many to pick from. lol
Restaurant:: Any place where the food is good
Number:: Dont have a favorite number, why would I?
Letter:: K
Word:: Um
Your Short Opinion on..
George W. Bush:: No Good
Gay Marriage:: Dont really think about it
Rocketing Gas Prices:: No car, so doesnt really bother me
Minimum Wage ($6.75):: It went up didnt it?
Drunk Driving:: Have witnessed it, but its really bad
Legal Driving Age:: Im passed it so I dont think about it
Anorexia:: White girls
Mary-Kate and Anorexia:: Proves my point on the question above
Lindsay Lohan (18) and her 23-year-old boyfriend:: Dont think about either of them
Young Marriages:: Crazy
Young Parents:: Becoming more popular
Pregnency without a Marriage:: Shit happens
Telemarketers:: Immediate hang-up
Pop Quizzes:: No fun
This Survey:: Pretty Okay
Label Your Friends!
Loudest:: Eris
Quietest:: Poody
Nicest:: Aubrey
Person who doesn't think before they speak:: Megen
Outspoken:: Tronya
Annoying:: Not saying...
Popular or has best chance of becoming popular:: Hmmm...not sure
Best Dressed:: Marilyn and Aubrey
Worst Dressed:: Not saying...
Sweetest:: Megen
Giving:: Marilyn
Selfish:: Not saying...
Ungrateful:: Not saying...
Social Butterfly:: Tronya
Will be crowned Most Likely to Succeed by their class:: All of them
This or That
Soda/Punch: Punch
Sour/Sweet: Depends on my mood
Summer/Winter: Winter
Christmas/Thanksgiving: Christmas
Easy/Challenging: Easy
Light/Dark: Dark
Sun/Moon: Sun
TV/Movies: Movies
Out with Friends/Out with Family: Out with Friends
Cat/Dog: Dog
Penguin/Dolphin: Dolphin
Book/Magazine: Book
Last Questions about the Survey
Did you like the survey?: Yea
Would you reccomend it to a friend?: Yea
Where will you put your results?: Myspace
Thanks for coming...: Okay
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My Interests

Boys, Shopping, Make-up, Fashion, Flirting(when im in the mood for it), Drinking, Being with people that make me happy & dont start drama, Partying, Getting wasted...oh yea, that's drinking, and BOYS!

I'd like to meet:

Weezy F. Baby!!!!
myspace graphicsWill Ferrell, Shawn & Marlon Wayans, Ben Stiller, and some otha folks


Feel good music.






and of course the classics!


Family Guy


James Patterson