On weekdays, in the a.m. I play a character named Moni the dime jacker, but you can call me Goon Jr. After going through so much by doing so little, I've made up my mind. I am changing by choice. Kids these day need to learn respect, because it's now very rare. So to all my friends, your buddy Kristen will learn to lower her voice, learn to kill anxiety and learn to stand still. If it's the only way to earn respect I'll do it.
Ah, just kidding. I hate all my friends. Fuck you too.
If I don't know you, please don't message me asking me to add you.style="position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; height:32px; width:89px; background-image:url(http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/4849/p
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