I'm a Bad Boy, wit a lotta ho's
Drive my own cars, and wear my own clothes
I adopted a cute lil' Scotty fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!Take the quiz: "Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger are you?"
Green Ranger
You are the Green Ranger, you are Tommy who was first evil but then became good. Your weapon is the sword of darkness, the dragon sheild and the, dragon dagger. You are the Dragon.
Kirsten Dunst, Pete Doherty, Sofia Coppola, Kate Moss, Marc Jacobs, Mischa Barton, Regina Spektor, Sufjan Stevens, Jenny Lewis, and the cast of Grey's Anatomy sans Issiah Washington.
Not only currently but always listening to:
The Blow
The Lovekevins
Lily Allen!!
Nicole Atkins
Rilo Kiley ♥ ♥
Regina Spektor
Sufjan Stevens
The Virgin Suicides, Marie Antoinette, Spirited Away, Heathers, Love Actaully, Lost In Translation, Donnie Darko, Saved!, The Aristocrats, Squid and the Whale, Shaun of the Dead,
Grey's Anatomy!!! Project Runway, Sex and the City, Big Love, Coupling, Entourage, old X-men and Spiderman cartoons, Anamaniacs, Americas Next Top Model.
Harry Potter, GG series, The Perks of being a wallflower, The Virgin Suicides, The Great Gatsby, Pride and Predjudice...some other things....
Nurse Joy.