We would like to meet kids who are smart. Who see past typical branding and recognize that they have a voice as well. If you are a sick artist (get in contact with us) if you make crazy movies (get in contact with us) if you have our jeans (get in contact with us). We are down to meet and collaborate with other artistic kids.
Well the day has come, Steve and I have decided to move on from Iron Army and start a new brand called [city of others] that we are mega excited about.We want all of you loyal supporters to get involved with [city of others] so please check out our fun videos which will entertain and explain by clicking the image below!Here's the newest Iron Army VideoBEGINMYSPACETOOLBOXBACKUP VERSION 1.1;;cccccc; ; Center Center; scroll; no-repeat; 333333; ; ; ; ; ; Arial, Sans-Serif; ; ; ; ; ; ; Arial, Sans-Serif; ; ; ; ; ; ; Arial, Sans-Serif; ; ; ; ; ; ; Arial, Sans-Serif; ffffff; ; Center Center; scroll; no-repeat; 333333; solid; 1px; 100; ; ; ; ;;