My daughter, my husband, our kitties,my friends, singing,teaching,being the FGM, writing, hiking, shopping pedicures & reading.
Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Bugs Bunny, Roland Deschain and possibly Stephen King.
Almost everything~ from Bonnie Raitt to Heart to Annie Lenox to Evanessence. From Toad the Wet Sprocket to Pink Floyd to Live...and of course I'm a big fan of Aaron Black, he's extremely talented! (It's the gene pool, you know!)Also LOVE Bubblzz(Katie~my protege) & Blessed Death... Welllllll on that one...not the music so much just the people~:)but their follow up band~Terra Firma was one of the greatest bands in the history of music....:D
LOTR, The Wedding Singer, The Blues Brothers, The Wizard of Oz, Shrek I and II, and lots more I can't think of now.
LOST... yes I am addicted! Go ahead, make fun of me, it's alright, I'm used to it, having been a LOTR fan for so long! Also American Idol, so sue me. :) Monk, Reno 911, Ghost Whisperer, Desperate Housewives, Buffy, Angel, Star Trek(almost all) Sliders, Xena...AAAIIIEEE!!!.. that's about it. :)
The Dark Tower Series by SK, and pretty much all SK books,The Hobbit & LOTR OF COURSE!!!! The Chronicles of Narnia, (I do love a good fairy tale!) lot's of other books I can't think of now.
My Mom, my husband