I love to lift up my gifts of music and art to the All Mighty Lord and God of the universe. For without Him I am nothing. Jesus is my savior and it is my mission to spread His love, mercy, grace, and kindness to His lost children of this fallen and evil world. My family and friends mean everything to me. The time I get to spend with them is precious to me because I do not know if I will get that chance tomorrow. I love to ride...... just about anything that you can think of. I love to dance till I fall over from exaustion. I love to pour my heart out through a pen onto paper. Singing is one of my main passions. It sets me free. I am a dreamer. I love life. I love people. I have a heart for broken people. I love to help anyone that I can. I like to get crazy and buck out.. sometimes a little too much. Spinning records is SOOO much fun. If I could....... I would do it 12 hours a day..... 8 days a week! I guess to some it up........ I LOVE TO LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST OF MY ABILITY!!!!!
Jesus, All twelve Deciples, Noah, King David, Moses, Jim Morrison, Bradly Noll, Abraham Lincoln, Johny Depp, Elvis, King Tutinkahmin, Alexander the Great, Joan of Ark, Tony Hawk, Stacey Peralta, Ghangas Kahn, Ulyseese S Grant, Martin Luther King Jr., Chief Sitting Bull, Billy the Kid, Doc Holliday, Shannon Houne, Zach De LA Roche, Mainerd, Paul Van Dyk, Paul Oakenfold, Elvis, and last but most definately not least........ you
Let the godly sing with joy to the Lord, for it is fitting to praise him. Praise the Lord with melodies on the lyre; make music for him on the ten-stringed harp. Sing new songs of praise to him; play skillfully on the harp and sing with joy. For the word of the Lord holds true, and everything he does is worthy of our trust. He loves whatever is just and good, and his unfailing love fills the earth................................... Psalm 33:1-5..............................................Anything that moves my soul and shakes the artist inside of me.
Braveheart, Gladiator, The Last samuri, Goonies, The matrix, Napolean dynamite, dogg town and the z-boys, riding giants, Rocky, The Lords of DoggTown, The notebook, A beautiful mind, the god father 1,2,3, goodfellas, scarface, stand by me, a bronx tale, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, The doors, The last dragon, gleaming the cube, star wars, Pulp fiction, kill bill 1 & 2, all bruce lee movies, national lampoons x-mas vacation, friday, the boiler room, ferris buelers day off, the blues brothers, alladin, Ray, Lord of the rings, the princess bride, juice, menace to society, The passion of the Christ, fightclub, the best of chris farley and pretty much all snl "the best of's"......... all star wars, the big labowski, oceans 11, blow, all x-men flix, frosty the snow man, rudolph the red nose rain dear, all movies based on marvel comics, blue planet
The Simpsons, AquaTeenHungerForce,South Park, TLC, The History channel, The travel channel, Fuse, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
The Bible, The purpose driven life, my diary, The celestine prophecy, The Art of War, The stand ......... (I need to read more!!)
Jesus, King David, All twelve Deciples, Noah, Moses, Jacob, Paul the prophet, my mom and dad, my little brothers(rest in piece Nicholas... Ill see you when I get there!!!!) My grandfathers, my grandmothers, My aunt Kim, my uncle Eric, my uncle Kieth, my uncle Dan, my cousin Marsha, my cousin Lance, Josh Hotsenpiller, Shawn Kennedy, Vic Prietto, anyone who fights raceism, good parents, kids who say no to drugs, teachers, preachers, police officers, firefighters, soldiers defending this country, anyone who stands up for the weak, poor, and less fortunate, all Christians brave enough to proclaim Jesus their King in this messed up, evil world.