Cooking, nature, art, driving, reading: metaphysics, philosophy, phychology, and anythin that enriches life. Presrntly doing a Masters Degree in Divinity: Thesis: Christian Buddhismm.
Positive people who enjoy there journey in life and it's chalenges. Non-dogmatic spirutual humans. The Divine within me; Crist, Buddah, ect.
Almost all kind of music: from clasical, mistical, rqueton, latin-salsa, etc. Mistical/Interfaith Religious...
Action, Drama, Thrillers, Etc, no particulars.
Cooking channel, history , geo, ect.
any and all that better my knowledge and person.
Jesus Crist (non dogmatic), Buddah, Krishna, Ghandi, Marther Luther King, and all of creation.