Detective Benson profile picture

Detective Benson

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

don't judge anyone by their myspace
I believe my profile is a good representation of who I am as aperson, but there is so much more to me than what is writtenon here. However, this is a pretty good glance into mysoul...
Music is the greatest thing in the world.
Acting is my strongest passion.

My dream is to perform on Broadway some day.
I'd also love to write and direct films professionally oneday.
I work for AAFES, and I work hard, too. But that hasn'tchanged me from prank calling the store, either. :)
Trust is essential for me. If I cannot trust you, then I simplycannot be around you.
Oddly, I'm shy in my own way.
Randomness is absolutely fantastic.
If I'm quiet, it's because I'm taking everything from mysurroundings in.
I highly enjoy solitude, but there's nothing better than beingaround those you love.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt is such an inspiration, and his talent anddedication is just incredible.
JC Chasez is really talented, and his singing voice is justamazing.
Robert Kennedy was an AMAZING man. His vision still lives on inmany hearts today.
I'm out. Simple as that. But it's not the center of my life. And I'd apprecaite it if you didn't make it an issue, either.
I'm extremely liberal, and I don't believe in taboo. Idiscuss anything and everything with an open mind.
I don't know if I want to get married one day. I don't know if I'denjoy it. Even though it isn't necessarily legal, I'd still likethe option.
My favorite singer is Gloria Estefan.
I'm southern. I say y'all a lot. Even sometimes ally'alls.
And sometimes an ain't slips out.
I consider my home to be South Carolina, though I also lived a greatdeal in Florida and Georgia.
For a number of years, Germany was my home.
I live in Guam now. It's heartbreakingly beautiful. Yarr!
I remember that Kaiserlautern HS was run down as hell, but it's got a magic all of its own.
My favorite love song is "This I Promise You", haha.
My life's anthem is "I Wish You" by Gloria Estefan.
I remember my dialogues from plays from years ago. If somebody sayssomething similiar to a line from a script, I can usually recall theentire scene from that line on. It's funny. I'll just start sayingthe lines, too.
I love getting stared at. People's reactions to whatever I'm doingare usually funny.
Insanity is brilliance.
I'm a vanilla coke man. It sucks they don't make itanymore.
And yes, chocolate is awesome.
I *adore* LJ size icons. Not sure why.
I believe the way to my heart is through music I love.
Kissing is so romantic.
I do laugh out loud.
I'm not going to be involved with someone who will hurtme emotionally with intent. This is a lesson I've learned.
I love the GOLDEN GIRLS. They have better sex lives (except Dorothy) than everybody else on the planet.
I never leave my house without my iPod. Never.
I'm finding the less labels I put on myself, the more free I tend to feel.
I'm NOT your average individual.
But I AM a good person. I at least try to be.
I don't see anything wrong with having sex before marriage.
I'm pro-choice.
I'm a democrat. And I vote.
I got married in Amsterdam the summer before my 11th grade year, andmy husband is Sarah Flores. She rocks. (Haha, it's an insidejoke/story).
I love animals. Especially dogs. My dog passed away December 05,and I miss him more so than anything.
Scent is my favorite sense, haha.
I have a habit of making strange nicknames for people. Ash isGeisha-Helga (just because), Sarah is my husband (being married andall), Stanze is Kaboom (in refrence to her particularly largebreasts), Katie is Grace (cos she's awesomely nuts), etc. If I give you a nickname like that, that's officialconfirmation you're awesome.
Geisha-Helga has gotten me hooked on pirate language. I utterseveral combinations of "yarr!", "savvy", and "mate" duringconversation.
I believe Fox Mulder and Alex Krycek were meant to end up together.You better agree. :D
I shamelessly plug Gloria Estefan music every chance I get.
I miss Europe tremendously.
But I love Guam too.
If I find something offensive, believe me, you'll know I do.
I'm the most random person you will ever meet. Askanybody.
I can't be with anyone since I felt our worlds
Hello there! I'm Michael/Mike/Mick/Mic/Bizarre Man, and you're whoever you are! Thank you forcoming to my page and actually reading this! That tickles me....No not really. Anyway, I'm an American 19 year old who has livedall kinds of places throughout the world: North America, Europe,and a funky little island in the Pacific Ocean called Guam. I loveit there ( works).

I live for the random, the strange, the eccentric. It's the greatest thing since a slice ofbread. I love my friends with ALL MY HEART, and if I consider you afriend, then you rock. Not just an opinion - it's fact. If I likeyou, you rock. If I don't like you, tough shit. End of story.

I'm not seeing anyone at the moment, but that doesn't mean I wantrandom myspace messages from the perverts out there. So just learnto take no for an answer!

I'm into theatre, and most recently, I was in my second majorrole for a school play - this time "Final Dress Rehersal". I playedthe lead male (Director). yAy!

Anything else I wanna add? -thinks- Not at the moment, but ifI choose to write more, ...I will. Get it? Got it? Good!

Embrace life, everyone.
Forgive asmuch as you can.
Sometimes it's hard, butit's really worth it.

*This was last updated on August 9, 2007.

My Interests

-Civil Rights
-Hanging Out
-Being Random
-Yelling Penis in the hallway
that type of thing...

I'd like to meet:

- Joseph Gordon-Levitt
- Hygenic people
- People who know who Bob the Sun God is
- People who know why Wal-Mart is a tradegy
- Anyone who's seen "Brokeback Mountain"
- Anyone who likes JC Chasez
- Anybody who can laugh their ass off at stupid things
- Gloria Estefan
-Patti LaBelle
- Ryan Cabrera
- JC Chasez, with his voice which is so beautiful!
and maybe you... or not... haha


-Adam Lopez
-Aretha Franklin
-The Ataris
-Blu Cantrell
-Bonnie Raitt
-Britney Spears
-Bruce Springsteen
-Celine Dion
-Chaka Khan
-Christina Aguilera
-Craig David
-Cyndi Lauper
-Damien Rice
-Dashboard Confessional
-Destiny's Child
-Dirty Vegas
-Dixie Chicks
-Enrique Iglesias
-Faith Hill
- Gloria Estefan
-Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine
-Jamie Scott
-JC Chasez
-Jennifer Lopez
-Josie Cotton
-Justin Timberlake
-Lara Fabian
-LeAnn Rimes
-LeeAnn Womack
-Mariah Carey
-Marvin Gaye & Tammi Tarrell
-Mary J. Blige!
-Matchbox 20
-Melissa Etheridge
-N Sync
-Nick Atkinson
-Nick Lachey
-Pat Benatar
-Patti LaBelle
-Queen Latifiah
-Ricky Martin
-Rob Thomas
-Rufus Wainwright
-Ryan Cabrera
-Shania Twain
-Sonny & Cher
-Stevie Nicks
-Taking Back Sunday
-Tina Turner
-Whitney Houston (before the crack)
and so much more...


-10 Items or Less
-24th Day
-A Home at the End of the World
-Ask the Dust
-Beautiful Thing
-Blast from the Past
-The Bodyguard
-Brokeback Mountain
-The Butterfly Effect
-Dangerous Child
-Full Frontal
-Garfield, the Movie
-Latter Days
-Little Miss Sunshine
-The Lookout
-Mary Poppins
-Mean Girls
-Mozart and the Whale
-Music of the Heart
-My Dog Skip
-The New World
-Phone Booth
-Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
-Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
-Return to Me
-Romeo & Juliet
-Step Up
-Tea With Mussolini
-Waiting to Exhale
-Wedding Wars
-What's Love Got to Do With it
and more...


-The Golden Girls
-Will & Grace
-Designing Women
-The X Files
-The Closer
-I Love Lucy
-Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour
-Northern Exposure
-3rd Rock from the Sun
-30 Rock
-Law & Order: SVU
-Law & Order: CI
-Law & Order (the original)
-Queer as Folk
-Kyle XY
-The Drew Carey Show (the first four years or so)
and more...


-Rubyfruit Jungle
-To Kill A Mockingbird
-The Illiad
-Call of the Wild
-Cher: If You Believe
-A Home at the End of the World


-Ms. Breault
-Matthew Shepard
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
-Alexander the Great
-Robert Kennedy
-John F. Kennedy
-Joseph Gordon-Levitt
-Gloria Estefan

My Blog

Home is... home was...

I look around me and everything has changed.  My surroundings, though longer than a year, still have an essence of unfamiliarity and antipathy.  Everyone I knew back...
Posted by Detective Benson on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 07:03:00 PST

What if your life was never real?

Imagine waking up tomorrow morning to a padded, white-walled room.  You're in an mental institution, and you've found out your life was just a figment of your imagination.  The experiences o...
Posted by Detective Benson on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 07:57:00 PST

Come Escape the Night

It's a rather strange, this feeling.  Being told by someone they love me (not in a romantic sense, more in a brotherly way). I don't know... it just feels good, you know? when everything falls do...
Posted by Detective Benson on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 08:46:00 PST

the most gorgeous guy from last month... the story now continues!

Unrelated to the true intention of this journal, I initially wish to proclaim my undying love for Madonna's new Confessions Tour CD+DVD. :)  Like A Virgin, Jump, Sorry, and Music Inferno!!  ...
Posted by Detective Benson on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 02:27:00 PST

Three Hours of Giggles

I'm sugar- and caffiene-high from four cans of Coke and two frappuccinos from various times of today.  I was working a 8 hour shift at the BX plus five hours of overtime.  Yeah, I'm exh...
Posted by Detective Benson on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 04:33:00 PST

these things

whispers on your spine as you read the wordsa wave of familiarity shuns you into your holedesperate and desolate is the sentiment you rake onyou want to go homebut you're too far gone and o...
Posted by Detective Benson on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 07:57:00 PST

What a Wonderful Day

It's nice to be writing about a day like this for a change.  I had not too many negative-attitude customers at work, and I only had a five hour shift. I started the day at like 4:30am; I needed t...
Posted by Detective Benson on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 08:06:00 PST

you can take it all away

Posted by Detective Benson on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 07:38:00 PST

Revel in the Experience

defining momentsshowcased by a complexity beyond any verbal expression,those infinite exertions of compulsionary action from the heart...will they conceal their true identity during the...
Posted by Detective Benson on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 04:32:00 PST

The Hidden Side

I wish I was still in high school.  Not only to be around friends all the time, but back then, it was easier just to be angry with someone.  It wasn't this complex "I'm angry with you, but I...
Posted by Detective Benson on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 06:31:00 PST