Irish culture, music, body mod, movies, being a good mom, caving, camping, going to try backpacking, fitness, scrapbooking, learning to cook, being a badass in general, whiskey, star wars, photography, having artistic vision without artistic talent, Camel cigarettes, playing with my dogs, gaming (larp, video, and tabletop), geekiness in general, swimming, laziness, sticking my head in the sand, smiling. My husband and daughters are the best things ever.
Freaks, geeks, weirdos, mother fuckers, metalheads, lion trainers, punks, open-minded people, protestors, stunt cyclists, liberals, people who are easily distracted by bright shiny things, bikers, gamers, music lovers, star wars obsessors, people who go to cons, pirates, critics, fighters, lovers, masters of their domain, star bellied sneetches, and bad mo-fos.
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This is pretty much dictated by my daughter. The last movie I watched was "Care Bear Big Wish Movie." I know you all envy me.
"I don't want to live in a world without Bart!" -Millhouse VanHouten
fantasy, mystery, sci-fi, chick lit, true crime...anything I can get my hands on, really.
yeah, those people...