I'm a regular guy with a regular day job who likes wicked tracks, both listening and mixing. I got into electronic music as a hobby about 7 years ago and I usually mix with certain friends or myself, or whoever cares to listen if I'm in the mood to spin. The amount of time and dedication I put into it varies at times, I often get distracted with other things, but it's a hobby I still love and have fun with.
I also enjoy things like photography and doing visual arts, like messing around with photoshop and myspace.
Note: This page doesn't seem to properly display as I intend with Miscrosoft Internet Explorer. I highly suggest to download and install Mozilla firefox to see my site as intended. Who knows why. Thanks again.
Hey I finally got my ass in gear and recorded a mix. It's been a while since I've seriouslyspun records and I've still gotsome tweaking and practicing to do, but expect more mixes!
New set available! Titled:"Good Intentions"
Click banner to visit my host page and either click Stream or Play.
Enjoy the mix and expect better things to come, thanks for your support, and feel free toleave a comment.