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The One Who Would Neva Do You Wrong

I am here for Friends

About Me

I love to sing,dance,work-out,play volleyball,swim,shoot pool,bowl,shop,and write poetry. I love meeting new poeple and making new friends. My personality is shy,calm,sweet,very kind-hearted. I am very easy to get along with. I love God very much. I love to cook and spend time with my family and friends.
Name? Raven
Dob? 08/13/1984
Birthplace? wauwatosa wisconsin
Current location? Milwaukee wisconsin
Hair color? deep brown
Eye color? deep brown
Tattoos or piercings? piercings
Sisters or brothers? 5 sisters 2 brothers
Band? I dont have one
Song? fallen angel by chris brown
Movie? This Christmas
Disney movie? Lion King
Food? Pizza
Color? silver
Pizza topping? cheese
Tv show? my wife and kids
Drink{alcohol} vodka
Drink{pop} strawberry/kiwi
Store? wal-mart
Clothing brand? I dont have one whatever I like I get I dont look at brands lol
outfit? ^
season? fall
Holiday? Christmas
This or That!
Rainy or sunny? both
Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla
Swimming or sledding? swimming
Night or day? night
Indoors or out? both
Love or money? both
computer or tv? lol umm computer
phone or in person? boh
thing to do? swim,write poetry,sleep
goal this year? to finally do something I love to do
Most missed memory? seeing my brother's smile
Best physical feature? my arms
Worst physical feature? none
Worst crime? none
Greatest Fear? God
Worst Habit? bitin my lip when im bored
Random questions?
What do you want to be famous for? singing
Three things you cant live without? my phone,food,water
Would you ever jump in front of a bullet for someone? yes
Do you smoke or do drugs? no
What annoys you most in a person? bad attitude
Are you afraid of the dark? no
Would you kill someone for a million dollars? no
How do you want to die? in my sleep
What do you look for in a guy?
Hair color? deep brown
eye color? deep brown
Biggest turn off? bad attitude
Biggest turn on? humor
Most important physical feature? nice smile

Two Hundred Random Questions Survey

1. Flip-flops or slippers? slippers
2. Have you ever gone to a private school? no
3. What's one unique thing about you? im kooler than most girls
4. Have you ever been in love? no
5. Name one person you love, and why: myself because i have a warm heart
6. Would you dress as the opposite sex? i do sometimes but not fully lol
7. Do you consider yourself religious? yes
8. Do you own a camera phone? no
9. Mom or Dad? dad
10. Who do you trust? noone
11. Have you ever been late to work because of myspace? no lol
12. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? yes
13. Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
14. What is your favorite emoticon? :P
15. Is there happiness in slavery? no
16. Have you ever been drunk? i dont know lol
17. Can you cook? yes and I dont mean popcorn
18. Would you flip off the pope? no
19. Have you ever been on the radio? ummm no
20. What is your biggest fear? God
21. Do you like dancing? yes
22. Do you like the taste of blood? maybe lol
23. Do you ever cook? yes
24. When is the last time you went to a gym? 2 years ago
25. If you had to get married now, who would you want to marry? my favorite wrestler(Matt Hardy)
26. What do you think about homosexual marriage? i dont think about it
27. Hug or kiss? hug
28. Do you have a girlfriend? umm no :/
29. Where is your hometown? Milwaukee Wisconsin
30. Last time you were really really mad? last week
31. Would you date someone older than you? yea
32. Favorite age you have been so far? 16
33. What do you call those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces? I have no idea lol
34. Do you have a crush right now? kinda...
35. Status quo or radical change? i dunno
36. The phrase you overuse most on IM: kisses
37. Would you eat human flesh for money? no way
38. When you wake up, what is the first thing you think? I dont think about anything
39. What are you listening to right now? no one by alicia keys
40. What do you think of reality TV? I think its ok
41. Who do you want to meet? Chris Brown
42. Do you send chain letters very often? never
43. Do you have a job? What is it? yes day care assistant
44. Have you ever been to a concert? yea
45. Shower or bath? shower
46. Who of your friends can tell anything to you? all of them
47. How much do you weigh? 140
48. Abercrombie or Hollister? abercrombie
49. Do you believe that animals have souls? yes
50. What is your favorite musical instrument? drums
51. How many ex boyfriends/girlfriends do you have? too many to count
52. Lonely or lovesick? lovesick
53. Would you live in a different country? yes
54. Favorite city? illnois
55. Would you eat sushi? no
56. Have you ever met a celebrity? yea
57. Emily Dickinson or Walt Whitman? neither
58. Do you like seafood? only fish and shrimp
59. Have you ever tried to bite a dentist? no
60. Are you good at dancing? not really lol
61. Would you die for your friends? yes
62. Who annoys you? my mom lol
63. Do you use email, IM, MySpace, or phone the most? I think myspace
64. Have you ever prayed to Bhudda? no
65. How many times a day do you go on myspace? maybe 2 or 3 times sometimes 4 lol
66. Have you ever been suspended from school? never
67. Are you a neat freak? not really
68. Would you go skinny dipping? maybe
69. Explain what you think about dating. I dont know
70. Are you afraid of the dark? no
71. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion? maybe
72. Have you ever searched for your own name on Google? yea lol
73. What is your heritage? black/white/indian
74. Do you like thunderstorms? yes
75. Do you have a cell phone? not anymore
76. Day or night? night
77. What is something you wish you were better at? dancing
78. What's your favorite book? the Bible
79. Who is the smartest person you know? my sister T.T.
80. Are you a vegetarian? no
81. What name brand do you wear the most? baby phat
82. Last time you saw your mom? this morning
83. Happy or depressing music? both
84. How do you usually dress? I like fitted clothes
85. Do you shower daily? yes
86. Have you ever shoplifted? no
87. Why do you like the music you do? because whatever I listen to brings out who I am
88. What is your favorite hair style? flip bob
89. What's the sickest you've ever been? when i had a bladder infection
90. Would you be my friend? maybe
91. Dogs or cats? both
92. Burial or cremation? cremation
93. Do you think Snoop Dogg sucks? lol
94. Last person to make you cry? my ex
95. Kleenex or Puffs? puffs
96. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc profile? maybe every 2 days lol
97. Where did you go to school? North Division
98. Do you observe Easter? yes
99. Shorts or pants? both
100. Hot or beautiful? both
101. Who is the most boring person you know? my mom lmao
102. What is the last thing you said to someone? I dont remember
103. Sunrise or sunset? sunset
104. Last time you saw your dad? in august
105. What grade are you in? none
106. Do you get motion sickness? no
107. Do you feel sad often? yea
108. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? na-na for like 11 or 12 years
109. Do you still use film for cameras? cameras
110. Gym or music? both
111. Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? fridays
112. Who is your favorite person? my dad
113. Do you know how to drive a car? somewhat lol
114. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? madison wisconsin
115. Tofu or bacon? bacon
116. What's your favorite car? chevy monte carlo
117. Do you like travelling? yes
118. Do you like your name? yes
119. Who do you talk to most on the phone? my friend tamara
120. What is your most missed memory? being around my brother
121. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? I think skeleton key
122. When is your birthday? august 13th
123. What is one bet you've won? I dont bet
124. Touch or be touched? both
125. Do you like yourself? yes
126. Pancakes or waffles? both
127. Do you have a bad life? i used to
128. Who is the fattest person you know? my uncle
129. Have you ever had your heart broken? of course
130. Have you ever made out with just a friend? no
131. Have you gone on a date? no
132. Have you ever been to a beach? yes
133. Do you celebrate Hannukah? no
134. Do you like depressing music? not really
135. When do you go to bed? whenever i fall on my face lol
136. Who is the loudest person you know? my auntie
137. What is your biggest weakness? being too open hearted
138. Have you been on drugs? never
139. Do you brush and floss? yes
140. How much cash do you have right now? 20 bucks lol
141. Have you ever prank called someone? yes
142. Say something annoying. ummm lol
143. Do you want to die? not really
144. Ever run away from home? no but I wanted to
145. TV or movie? movie
146. What do you wear to bed? my penguin pjs lol
147. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? I need to exercise more lol
148. Who is the most fun person you know? myself of course
149. Would you flip off the president? yep
150. What does your name mean? I have no idea
151. Have you met anyone online? no
152. What is your favorite name? Octavia
153. Disney or Warner Brothers? warner brothers
154. Math or science? science
155. Do you believe in life after love? yes
156. Do you like the band Radiohead? no
157. Do you wear makeup? nope
158. Do you like cows? no
159. Planes or boats? boats
160. Who can you tell anything to? my friend tamara,my dad
161. Weekdays or weekends? weekdays
162. Do you like the band The Shins? the who? lol
163. New York or California? cali
164. Have you ever written a song? yes
165. What's your favorite song? lottery by chris brown
166. Would you give money to a hobo? yes
167. Can you whistle? a little bit not loud lol
168. Who is your enemy? dont have any
169. Do you drink soda? yes
170. Would you run from the police? lol I dont know
171. If you could change one thing about yourself, it would be: to exercise more like I should be
172. Favorite type of sock? ankle
173. Can you write with both hands? yes
174. Do you like poetry? I love poetry
175. Would you have plastic surgery? nope
176. Pizza or pasta? pasta
177. Have you ever been hit on by the same sex?
178. How many computers in your house? 2
179. Do you pray? yes
180. Soup or salad? both
181. Are you registered to vote? (And have you yet?) yes and no
182. Do you wear cologne? no :/
183. Bagels or chicken? bagels
184. Tastes great, or less filling? tastes great
185. Do animals go to Heaven? I believe so
186. What sports do you play? volleyball
187. What kind of music do you hate? country and opera
188. Have you ever been dumped? yes
189. What's the best concert you've seen? jam for peace
190. Do you get along with other people's parents? yes
191. Do you like sports? I like to watch b-ball and football
192. Hot or nice? nice
193. Do you get annoyed easily? yes
194. What is the longest you have gone without sleeping? 3 days maybe 4
195. Would you lie to your best friend? no
196. How easily do you trust people? Why? I dont trust noone lol
197. What is your best physical feature? my abs
198. Do you like rock climbing? kinda
199. What is your dream job? singer/actress
200. Have you ever smoked? yes


1. Color? black
2. Food? pizza
3. Restaurant? applebees
4. Ice cream? cookie dough
5. Soda? diet pepsi
6. Shoes? nikes
7. Place to relax? the basement
8. Magazine? word up!
9. Person to hang out with? my dad
10. Place to go on weekends? my friend's house parties
11. Thing to wear to bed? my pjs
12. Time to shower? 6 am
13. TV show? family guy
14. Concert? earth,wind, and fire
15. Season? fall
16. Holiday? Christmas
17. underwear? thongs lol
18. Movie? This Christmas
19. Song? fallen angel
20. Artist (music)? Chris Brown
21. Vaction spot? chicago
22. Cereal? special k vanilla almond
23. Animal? black panther
24. Shampoo? dove
25. Smell? pumpkin pie
26. Perfume/cologne? mary kay
27. Memory? being with my family last Christmas
28. Comedian? bernie mac
29. Book? The Bible
30. Thing about the opposite sex? buffness


"The Christmas Survey"

1. Hot chocolate or apple cider? aple cider
2. Turkey or Ham? ham
3. Do you get a Fake or Real cut it yourself christmas tree? fake
4. Decorations on the outside of your house? no
5. Snowball fights or sledding? snowball fights
6. Do you like hanging around the fireplace because it's warm? I dont have a fireplace
7. Do you enjoy going downtown shopping? yes
8. Favorite Christmas song? This Christmas
9. How do you feel about Christmas movies? I love them
10. When is it too early to start listening to Christmas music? before Thanksgiving
11. Stockings before or after presents? before
12. Carolers? no
13. Go to someone elses house or they come to you? go to someone elses
14. Do you read the Christmas Story the night before christmas? no
15. What do you do after presents and dinner? watch movies
16. What is your favorite holiday smell? dressing
17. Ice skating or walking around the mall? walking around the mall
18. Favorite Christmas tradition? I dont think we have one
19. Favorite Part about winter? the snow
20. Ever Been Kissed Under The Mistletoe? no

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My Interests

Anybody Thatz Kool,Laid Back,Not Uptight,Humorous,Sweet,Kind,Respectful

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The bad guys had better beware! Your cat's got plenty of energy, and like their celebrity matches Tom Cruise and Angelina Jolie, isn't afraid to face danger head-on. Challenges and excitement? Bring 'em on — your feline's ready. The perk for you? Your home feels safe and protected. Whether your cat's chasing spiders or mice away or keeping you company day or night, you've got a brave little soldier watching out for their number one — you!

Saving the world from aliens, foiling evil plots, averting disaster at the hands of Mother Nature. These and other hair-raising phenomena are all in a day's work for an action star. While your vibrant little champion may not exactly be fighting these foes, they certainly are a hero in your eyes. Take this test




The Simpsons,One on One,The Game,Bernie Mac,My Wife And Kids,Martin


The Bible


God,my sisters,my dad, my step-brother(R.I.P.)who always made me feel like a real sister

My Blog


R.I.P. Robvae Your Smile And Laugh Will Always Be Remembered Love Ya! (Your Sis Raven)  9/3/81-5/24/06               &nb...
Posted by The One Who Would Neva Do You Wrong on Mon, 29 May 2006 10:00:00 PST

The Rain

       When the sky gets cloudy you can feel the pain surround your heart its crowded, by scars and open wounds of the past that comes back to haunt you but bit by bit ...
Posted by The One Who Would Neva Do You Wrong on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 01:30:00 PST