What kind of Ancient Asian-style Badass are You? by Zidane999
Favorite Color
Which of these fits you best
Badass Eastern Traits Unqiue Attractiveness
Badass Eastern Weapon Tonfa
Badas Eastern Famous/Infamous Deed Defended a Village alone from an invading army
Badass Eastern Personality Almost Kinda Cutsey for a killing machine
God has given me a gift and everytime I look at her I'm reminded how great and powerful our Lord God is. God has opened so many doors for me in the past year now and He keeps on working through me. I started up school at the begining of October and can I just tell you that I love it! I'm applying for the surg tech program in December so pray for me that I'll get in. I love God! He's blessed me so much with my baby girl it's so amazing what He has done for me. Having my daughter has just changed my life. I have a friend back in my life that I haven't had in a while which is another God send. It's amazing how He works in us. After so long we can just pick right back up so I know that it's right. I've been praying a lot lately and if you know me, then you know why. God has blessed me and answered me and I'm just so happy and relieved. I love my friends and family that have helped me through everything from begining til now but the funny thing is... it's just begining. I have my whole life and now I have someone special to raise it in. I am a good mom and will be and I will raise my daughter in HIS word. I'm loving life but I know that I shouldn't get too comfortable because i'm not done yet...MUAW!!!!! Love you muches!What animal is the REAL you?
Created by JENtotheE on Memegen.net
You are most like the Leopard.... a beautiful creature who enjoys the outdoors and cares for other people. You are very brave, and rarely shy about anything.
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