thrift store road trips,nelly furtado, GOTHS, jewelry, really bad jokes and really bad jokers, far away romance
victorian illustrators, health insurance, eastern europeans, and death row. how about someone else to drive all the time? more dude girls!!
WILD CHOIR!!! arthur russle, swans, high places, wipers, jimmy giuffre, test department, alice and the bags, gloria jones, lil wayne, princess and diamond. WILD CHOIR!!!
masculine/feminine, holy mountain,wet hot american summer .. width="425" height="350" ..
antiques road show, twin peaks, no reservations.
journey to the end of the night, the gormenghast trilogy, and the woody guthrie journals. VIOLET LUDUC. the new secret reader i got as a gift from glen thrasher.
justin bosworth, long distance runners, marching drummers, totalitarians, COLD AND UNFEELING PEOPLE, jane and good randy.