stitching the whips, maldoror, tesla, wilhelm reich, morocco, discovering information that renders my political beliefs irrelevent, afro zen
If I could shake hands with the best thing ever at this very moment, I would.
flipper, monte cazzazza, x___x, dirt, pink section, swell maps, gg allin, the jabbers, tuxedomoon, factrix, electric eels, pagans, pussy galore, the slits, the tactics, thought criminals, x-ray spex, ssd, the victims, dead kennedys, captain beefheart, slaughter and the dogs, the homosexuals, hasil adkins, iggy and the stooges, sudden infant, s-core, darby crash band, negative trend, the bags, destroy all monsters, warsaw/joy div, grief, unruh, blasphemy, systral, eyehategod, sleep, black sabbath, etc. etc. dj skrew, acme, minimal man, negative approach, dead boys, weirdos, eric b & rakim, boogie down productions, ultramagnetic mc's, pere ubu, white noise, bad brains, horrible nurds, DNA, philip jeck, pole, pan sonic, christian marclay, morton feldman, angus maclise, guillermo gregorio, found sounds, paul bley, hermann nitsch, harry partch, harry smith, plastic people of the universe, wire, SWANS, saints, skrewdriver, the urinals, 100 flowers, whitehouse, crass, subteranian recs, broken flag, third grade teacher, non, throbbing gristle, mars, spk ,screamers, nervous gender, catholic discipline, bruce haack, germs, the pop group, glaxo babies, yma sumac
exterminating angel, emerald cities, maya deren, harry smith, nosferatu, the godfather, the devil, probably, ecstacy of the angels, pasolini, fassbinder's WHITEY and SATAN'S BREW