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I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Marta, and I am 21 years old, and I currently reside in lovely Frederick.... For anyone who lives in the area you know it sucks, and there is nothing to do. I am a pretty happy-go-lucky person, and I will never in my life apologize for being myself. I talk way to much and can probably be considered annoying, but the people that know me, know I’m not. I am re-born Christian and I attend church every Sunday I can, I love my faith and my church and it is very important to me. I am usually a mess cause I honestly don’t care, you either take me as I am, or as nothing at all, and that’s your decision. I can be very indecisive but once I’ve made one, I stand firm and wont let anyone push me around. I love all different things, I am a very eclectic person, I love my horses, I am a ballerina at heart and spent years of my life dancing, but unfortunately I’ not some spoiled little rich kid and I cant afford to dance anymore, which suck but what can you do about it? I also love to debate and discusses all aspect of the world, such as politics and what’s going on in general around the world. I also enjoy learning new things, I love learning new languages and I am currently trying to study Russian and Lithuanian. I can be a girly girl who loves getting dressed up and getting her hair, make-up and nails done, but in all honesty I am more me and much more relaxed in sweats and a shirt just chill with my friends, or even better in some comfy clothes at the barn surrounded by horses and wonderful people being able to relax, get dirty and see the people I consider my other family, and the love of my life. I have a tendency to bite my nails and I burp all the time and my friends and I all have different games for when we burp. I curse a lot and I don’t care. I can be very sarcastic, never rude but sarcastic. I don’t judge someone as I don’t believe I have the authority to make judgements on people. You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Romans 2:1 For those of you who don’t know, that’s is from the book of Romans from the bible. That is why I don’t judge people, who are we to judge one another when we do the same things we judge other people on? I wont tell anyone how to live their life, so do what you feel is best and whatever you want. I’m not God and I wont tell you what to do, or how to live your life, cause I’m no where even close to perfect, and even if I was, that would be my definition of perfect, and what I consider perfect, may not be what someone else considers perfect. I can put myself together and manage to look like I have my life in complete order, but in reality I don’t, its pretty together but its still pretty chaotic. I believe in living life for each day, being happy, having fun and just enjoying life, having as many dreams as possible and spending each day trying to achieve one. I want to be an equine vet tech and will one day go to school and get a degree in it or just become certified. My biggest dream is to make one hell of a name for myself and to work my ass off and do everything I can to make that happen. I hate drama, I think for the most point its pointless and a waste of time, and as of probably late Oct early Nov I finally rid my life of way to much drama and have been very happy and content since then. I really hate girl drama, which I guess would be the main one as guys don’t see to have much at all. I am living my life the way I want to and doing what I need to, to further my relationship with God and to make myself a better person, and I wont let anyone stop me, or get in my way of living my life the way I want to. I have my dreams and goals and I wont let anyone get in the way of my trying to reach them. As far as my everyday life, I work as a full time groom at a horse farm near my house and I do part time work as just a regular small animal vet tech. I love to ride and wish I could do it more often and see the horse I was riding , VSF Liberty Edition. He is the best horse I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with, and for as much as I’ve taught him, he has given me just as much. Edy is his barn name, and he is a AMHA Registered Morgan Gelding, and although he’s not mine, I spend just as much time with him and I love him as if he were mine. I also love to read, I’m a certified bookworm, and read different types of book, I mostly enjoy true stories but I read anything, I love mysteries and crime novels, and books that are about real people and show real human emotion and is something you can read and relate to and really get into. I am also very proud of my ancestry, as I am Lithuanian, a little Polish, Irish and English. I am very proud of where my family is from and one day plan to go there and see exactly where my they came from. One day I will go and see Vilnius and all the cities. I am probably most proud of my Lithuanian, I love that I can say that’s where most of my blood lies, and although I am not directly from there I know that is where my family came from and so I hold it very close to me. Most people do now know where it is, or have even heard of it, and for those of you who haven’t...go look it up. I hate guys who want to just hook up, and just want to get some. I’m not that girl, I will not just randomly hook up, sorry but I know for a fact I’m worth more then that, I’m not just some toy to play around with. I want a real man, someone who knows what they are doing with their live, or know, or are at least trying. I’m happy with my life right now and as anyone when something of merit presents itself, chances are good I’ll take it. But I love to make people smile, and I love to make people laugh, and I love doing the same things. I am a nice, sweet, smart, outgoing, driven, outspoken person. I’m very approachable, but I can be very shy and insecure at times and I guess in some cases that may come off as rude or snotty or bitchy, of which I’m neither. I’m very fun loving and love to go out with my friends and have a good time and just make complete fools of ourselves. Again I am outspoken and again can be misconstrued as a bitch which I’m not, but of you want to take the perception of me then fine, do whatever you want. I wont change for anyone, I am me, and you can take it or leave it, that’s your decision. I’ll live my life my way and sure as hell wont change my family life to fit anyone else’s perception of how I should be, or act, its my life, and I’ll do what I want with it, it’s the only one I have and I’ll do everything I can with it. So if you want to, feel free to hit me up at anytime....

My Blog

To My Big Brother

Big Brother,    Ypu watched me grow into the person I am today. You were always around as a kid and we spent lots of time together. Going to the zoo and the park and just hanging out. Y...
Posted by Marta on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 08:49:00 PST

Why do these things happen?

I dont understand why such horrible things happen to good people. My boss her husband has cancer and he was doing pretty well, or as well as can be expected and then all of a sudden he got hit really ...
Posted by Marta on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 06:25:00 PST


I have made a huge change in my life, I have thought it over many a time and have finally made the decision to give my life to the Lord, Jesus Christ and accepted him as my Savior, and have made this...
Posted by Marta on Sun, 20 May 2007 06:00:00 PST

I dont know why I bother

I dont know why I even try anymore, I try so hard just to have it all blow up in my face, I wanna just go somewhere far far away and stay there and never come back, I love him so much it literaly hurt...
Posted by Marta on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 08:45:00 PST

The New Me!

I have decided I'm a brand new me, and I'm uber fabulous! I am so happy now and feel so free and ready to take on the world! Through all the hard times and now onto the good I am ready for it and I ca...
Posted by Marta on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 04:05:00 PST

I Give Up

I am really tired of trying, I try and try and for what? Honestly what? Not a damn thing! I've decided I am just gonna stop all of it, I am sick of everything, I keep ntrying but the more I try the mo...
Posted by Marta on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 04:01:00 PST