SeKsi profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I aM a FuN aNd OuTgOiNg TyPe PeRsOn.....WhEn U HaNgOuT WiTh Me, YoU'll KnOw.....I aM uSuAllY dOwN 4 WhAtEvEr.....
How to make a
5 parts competetiveness
5 parts crazyiness
5 parts ego
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add lovability to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I HaVe MeT mY LoVe..I cAn'T bELiEvE iT's BeEn 8 YeArS. My SeXy LoVe. MwAh! DiS iS cRaZy..My SmiLe iS fO' YoU! We ArE MaRRiEd!!! My BaBy DaNieL MaNaSaN!!! I LoVe YoU WiTh aLL mY hEaRt AnD I hOpE yOu Do KnOw DaT. Hello Daddy!! DeViN KaLeB MaNaSaN bOrN oN JuLy 6, 2007. 7LbS aNd 11oUnCeS. I LoVe MaH mEn! I hAvE tHe cUtEsT gUyS iN mAh LiFe! My HuSbAnD DaNieL, My BaBy BoY DeViN, My BrOtHeR PaUL, aNd My Dad! ahhahaha! I LoVe YoU GuYs! ThAnK YoU tO EvErYoNe!

E-40 - U And Dat (ft. T-Pain)
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