alan profile picture


I'm the only lamp post with a wicked in it.

About Me

red-headed step-child of drunken uncles and gay cousins (everyone has 'em), daydream believer, loud asshole that you want to forget, a roubex cube really and none of the colors match

My Interests

living under the ocean, keeping mixed company, salt, halloween masks, club soda, drunken vaudville routines, pi/e . . .

I'd like to meet:

People who are more intelligent and talated than me that I can steal ideas from. pay off my student loans, get me into the Morman Temple, Mason's Hall, or Church of Scientology Celebrity whatever-the-fuck-they call it, clear my parking tickets, get me on an airplane filght w/o being molested . . .


doo-wop, Archies, love songs coast to coast, songs that my car wants to hear


anything with Burton Leon Reynolds or Paul Newman, Roadhouse, Overboard, Showgirls, Alphaville, City of God, Devil's Backbone


Pricksongs & Descants, My Idea of Fun, Glamorama, Last Exit to Brooklyn, Hopalong Freud


Burton Leon Reynolds, Bunuel, Dostoyevsky, Woody Guthre, Shane Macgowen, Merle Haggard, Waylon Jennings, Captain Lou Albano, Melven Van Peebles, Paul Winfield, Bob Dylan, Bukowski, Moris Day

My Blog

reasons why i now hate freindster

freindster woundn't even allow me to fucking invite my sister as my friend. feindster also seems tohave all my other friends hooked. dark ages, dark ages my FRIENDS, im so pissed that fuck
Posted by alan on Tue, 16 May 2006 10:38:00 PST