Riadon profile picture


About Me

Im just your average everyday freak. I find enjoyment helpin people like my friends and family. I have a problem with not backin down from jerks who think they r bad. I follow my own rules and dont care what other people think or say about me, cause all that matters is what u think of yourself.

My Interests


Senses Fail, Ramnstien, 30 seconds to mars, Three days grace,Rhapsody these r just a few of the bands I like.


World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Expasion Cinematic

this is a great video! the person at the end with the skull is illidan and he's my favorite character! BWAMO! XD

Nintendo 64 Kid Goes Crazy

this kid is crazy!!!!!!!!!!

WoW-Video Contest .. Atkins Switcher 2

Funny stuff fuuuuunny stuff.

The Easter Bunny Hates You

The Easter Bunny's one UNHOLY TERROR. He's kicking tail and taking names. WHAMO!!!

Naruto AMV 04 - The Green Beast of Konoha

Rock Lee goin hardcore on Gaara. nice