Where's my wife? profile picture

Where's my wife?


About Me

a family therapist, and building manager in hollywood...i am also an actor and about to direct my first feature film called The Lime Green Porsche...about two guys who spend all their time sitting outside of starbuck's drinking frappacino's and just talking about life instead of livin it...that is until the lime green porsche drives by and sets into motion a series of events that sends our heroes on the journey of a lifetime...SCRTCH THAT...i'M GONNA GO BUY A LIME GREEN POSCHE AND DRIVE IT ACROSS ALASKA AND CHINA LOOKING FOR THE LOST TEMPLE OF WHOSITS AND WHATSITS, THAT PROVES ONCE AND FOR ALL THAT STARBUCK'S WAS IN FACT IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN AND THE SERPENT WAS A BARRISTO...BEGGING THE QUESTION, IF THE FRAPPACINO IS THE FRUIT OF KNOWLEDGE THAN HOW CAN YOU BE 100% SURE THAT PANCAKES AND WAFFLES ARE NOT MEETING IN SECRET UNDER THE PACIFIC OCEAN TO PLAN A COTTILLION TO END ALL COTTILLIONS. HMMMMMMMM
ps...the first few things I said here are actually true...
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My Interests

walkin the canyon...baseball...bowling...singin opera, marvin gaye, and danny kaye tunes in the shower

I'd like to meet:

you you you and....you...as long as "you" have a sense of humor


tonya watts...ghetto boys...eminem...james taylor...william shatner...country that has alotta fun and cuts to the heart and bone!!!! and music that makes me cry


gladiator...top gun...saving private ryan...Talladega Nights!!!


yankee games!!!! america's next top model...and other reality crap


purpose driven life...band of brothers


all my heroes turned out to be assholes