Myspace Layouts at / Prince
Myspace Layouts at / Prince
goin anywhere cool,drawing comix,playin' ddr,saying fuck u to skool, using old text books 4 firewood,dressing in a funky 80's new wave fashion, hearing and dancing to the awesome sounds of prince and all the other cool bands from the decade of pure excess, hoping prince would come to my hometown, trying to be a part of the new wave generation, buying clothes at hot topic,
prince, his music and personality is so awesome.he's the king of sexy music. i like little red corvette, and partyman.those songs he makes are fuckin' sweet.annie,[not the orphan.] she told me to like me for who i am and never let anybody say that mj sucks.shes from australia .she's likes mj as much as i do.she likes music from the 80's also. she doesn't take shit from anybody. shes my best friend in the whole world.i love u,annie.David bowie, his music is awesome, and he knows how to get a girl to like him in his fantasy world. the labrynth movie was the shit, man.billy idol, he's one of the best Fuck you's in recent rock and roll history. he has awesome spikey hair like from the 80's still [or does he???]and he can go to a wedding of a girl he hates and put the ring on her finger and make it bleed. rebel yell is a fuckin awesome song. when that tune is on, i'm kickin' some ass,man!micheal jackson, his music is funky fresh.pyramid head, he's a demon from silent hill, and he has a head made out of human meat.[but in the movie,it's made of metal]and he has a great knife.[it's a big heavy sword he drags around and it's very leathal.]alessa gillepsie, she's a cute little girl from silent hill who those bastard people burnt mistaking her as a witch. but luckily, she got her revenge and killed those who made her suffer and gave the town a scary, but awesome looking sight.milla jovoich, she's sexy,and kills zombies like nobody else.boy george, his music of course.billy bob thornton, his use of strong language in movies makes him the most awesome comedian in the world.howard jones, his musicpete burns,..yes i said it, pete you,superman. you're gay.pat benatar,her music.I'm goin' to your concert in july up in verona,pat!cyndi lauper,i really like her.i wanted to get tickets to her true colors concert but i sadly couldn't because on that day it's DAMN EXAMS WEEK!! cyndi, if you see this, i love you. please burn my school to hell!Candyman,he has a hook for a hand,bees fly out of his mouth,and he appears if u say his name five times in the thought it was gonna be willy wonka, didn't you?M.M.M.M.Max headroom, does he even exist?charles bronson, he's a vigilante who wipes out murderers,rapers,drug dealers,and anyone who doesn't go by the law without even a badge. he doesn't take shit from anyone.pennywise the clown,he has a funny expression,hes scary, he lures kids by giving them balloons, and letting them float down wherever the hell they are.steve urkel, he has a good sense of humor, imagine him in a gang in L.A.Clive barker,the second king of horror next to stephen king, he helped raise hell, and made all sorts of great artwork.hellraiser is one of the best horror films ever made. it's a work of artistic talent this is for you, clive. . MySpace Codes
Prince,david bowie,michael jackson,puffy ami yumi,billy idol,madonna,murray head,lionel richie,afrika bambatta and the soul sonic force ,technotronic ,cameo,kurtis blow , flock of seagulls,kiss, tina turner,wang chung,old school rap music,young cannibals,ghetto music,kelly osbourne,ozzy osbourne,run dmc,culture club [with boy george of course!], grandmaster flash and the furious five,, cyndi lauper, rockwell,falco,blondie,planet patrol,yaz,rick james BITCH,trouble funk,billy ocean,janet jackson,scandal,human league,phil collins,planet patrol,howard jones,b-52's,twisted sister,ABC,joan jett,the go gos,new edition,frankie goes to hollywood [RELAX],abc,loverboy,debarge,Dan hartman,van helan,night ranger,thomas dolby,dead or alive,the jets,styx,bananarama,the go go's,A-ha,sique sique sputnik 20/20,wire train, and other 80's music. TODAYS MUSIC IS SO FUCKIN" HARD TO UNDERSTAND!except for the gothic, and punk rock music,theyre cool. gorillaz r cool.[ honestly today's pop music?!how can any preppie listen to that crap anyway? most of todays pop music really sux {except 4 Gorillaz,theyre animated!]. the songs they choose for slow dancing at the school dances sound pretty fuckin' stupid. take it for me, love songs from the 80's were a lot better than this kelly clarkson shit. it's just shit that preppies, and cheerleadin' bitches listen to. it's pretty queer. OLD SCHOOL IS COOL!
Purple rain,graffeti bridge,under the cherry moon,the labrynth,batman[1989],candyman,,28 days later,28 weeks later,halloween,friday the 13th,hellraiser,silent hill,texas chainsaw massacre,scary movie,scary movie 3,dawn of the dead,day of the dead,land of the dead,cheech and chong,rambo,robocop,terminator,the goonies,weird science,nightmare on elm street,the warriors,bad santa, animal house,dirty harry, ferris bueller's day off,death wish,beavis and butthead do america,sleepaway camp,resident evil apocalypse,national lampoon's loaded weapon 1,jackass,d.c. cab, push momma off the train,scarface,an american werewolf in london,star wars
Elfen lied,afro samurai,shin chan,thunder cats,robot chicken,ren and stimpy,the smurfs, the snorks,max headroom,Miami vice,knight rider, drawn together,south park, I love the 80's,beavis and butthead,the simpsons,jerry springer,we are the 80's, the osbournes, mad tv,the boondocks,playboy channel,girls gone wild,jerry springer uncensored on paper view.
mad magazine,cracked magazine, spawn, silent hill dying inside,playstation magazines,silent hill dead or alive,silent hill three bloody tales,batman:the dark knight returns
SAM,ANNIE,PRINCE,david bowie,cyndi lauper,liono,papa smurf,KITT the car from knight rider,deborah harry,Michael jackson,billy idoljanet jackson,ami and yumi,,alessa gillespe,pyramid head,,kelly osbourne,ozzy osbourne,al pacino,boy george, mr. T,don johnson [ aka sonny crockett], ricardio tubbs,lionel richie,phillip michael thomas, larry blackmon,Not superman,max headroom,charles bronson,and Rick James Bitch!