tattooing, playing bass, drinking!
999,Boils,buzzov-en,capitalist cashalties,carcass,Cheap Sex,Choking Victim,chron gen,cockney rejects,crass,D.R.I,Dayglow Abortions,Demented Are Go,gg allin,macc lads,Melvins,nausea,Oi polloi,operation ivy,Rudimentary peni,street brats,the adverts,the boils,the cramps,The Expelled,the dead nation,Throbbing Gristle,toxic narcotic,tsol,Verbal Abuse,Vitamin X,ween,Excrementory Grindfuckers,bob and robs corpse eating service,fuck im dead,Poser Disposer,Rotten Sound,NARCISSISTIC,Noodled, FONDLECORPSE,TOTAL CHAOS,twisted system, many more just to lazy to put them down
clockwork orange, cult flicks and anything by vincent price gwar movies !!!!
fuck books