I stay very busy, but I try to spend a lot of time with my girlfriend Tarryn and our two cats Maynard and Tina. We have a nice condo at the foot of the mountains, so I'm a total homebody, but I try to get out when I can.I love running my business. I'm always creating new ideas for creating art, and trying to make a living at the same time.I enjoy cutting and piercing people. It's been my profession for over 8 years now, and I don't regret a minute of it.<a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vbXlzcGFjZXR2L mNvbS9pbmRleC5jZm0/Zn
Anyone who thinks for themselves, so generally religious people are exculded. Actually, it's cool if you're religious, but you must know that I am very opinionated when it come to religion. I am also very opinionated when it come to politics, equal rights, and free speech, so if your easily offended, you probably don't want to meet me.I am Sober, and don't do any drugs, including cigarettes, so I don't spend much time with heavy drug users, but those who are respectful of my lifestyle, I still associate myself with. Alcohol and other drugs can be very hindering to self improvement, and usually don't provide extended enlightenment or pleasure. At least not without a price, so i no longer indulge, and while I am never really tempted anymore, I prefer the company of people who find happiness in a non-synthetic form.I love hanging out with other fighters, body builders, or any other athlete. I love to work out and train, so If your looking for a new training partner, hit me up.I play Playstation 3, my online ID is Dissected1, so check me out if your on PSnetwork. I play Call of Duty 4, Gran Turismo 5, and Tekken 5 mostly, but I'm always checking out new games, so look me up, and we'll do some gaming.Other artists, of any medium are very welcome to my company. I have very few prejudices when it come to art, so please, show me yours and I'll show you mine.Layout made by bangXbangXandreXisdead
Wow, i really don't do much without listening to music. My project playlist is a small sample of my taste in music. I am very disappointed with most of the music that is being made today. I hate almost all of that stupid poppy emo shit that no one will remember in 6 months, that has to be 2.5 minutes at the longest since no one has any attention span for music anymore. I have no respect for musicians that put out a cd a year just to sell records and have no real message and no rebellion in their music. Also, all this bullshit club hip hop that is being made makes me sick. I need more from music than to be able to dance to it, and what the fuck is it with all the product placement these days. I saw a 50 Cent video that I thought was a commercial. Bull shit
I AM A TOOL!!!! TARRYN IS BETTER THAN ME AT EVERYTHING, EVEN ARTS AND CRAFTS. I HAVE NO FRIENDS!!!!!!!!! (Tarryn wrote that) I love film! Comedy, drama, action, martial arts, an accasional horror. I love movies that make you think, and provoke emotion, and occasionally, I'll find a movie that makes me reconsider my life completely. Particularly, Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, 25th Hour, Trainspotting, Permanent Midnight, and occasionally I indulge in a good porno.
I watch the Office, family guy, dexter, and pretty much all professional mixed martial arts. However, I get all my media online. I don't believe in turning on a TV without a pre-decided film or show to watch. I steer far away from reality TV. I really like to believe that my life is interesting enough that I don't need to live vicariously through the lives of people who have intentionally clashing personalities who choose to live in a house together with the pathetic ambition of becoming some celebrity by doing so. You were picked to be on a stupid low budget show, That doesn't make you special.
I read too much for school to get into any novels right now, but i read the paper and the occasional magazine. I do read nonfiction, and things that help me better understand the world and way people are the way they are.
Bill Hicks, another hero gone way too soon.