(A GANSTAS PRAYER)...hEAVINLY FATHER,PLEASE HERE ME 2NIGHT.i NEED SO MUCH GUIDANCE 2 live my life right. sum times its 2 hard 2 bear.I aften wounder if any1 cares.how can i wake up and face a new day,knowin i have 2 live my life dis crazy way?Heavinly father pleaze 4 give my sins! give me streanght 2 resist dis crazy life i disire. help me escape the temptation and fire. please help my family and friends whose eyes silently pleade for me not 2 do rong and they pray for me. god pless are mothers who worrie every night that we will be killed by some 1 in a fight. hevinly father please answer my prayers. please let me no that ur listing up their. when will it end? whats it all for? 2 prove 2 my homies that im down that im hardcore? some times i think how i will die... by a bullet wound or by a nife stabin 2 my side? heavinly father please here me!show me the way lord show me the light. give my heart peace so i wont have 2 fight. thank u for your forgiveness most of all thank u for lookin down on me and my boys.we dont mean no harm by it. with me put ashley andy nikkie lazy vince and the rest of my family i want to right the rongs wit my mom and make her relize that im scard sometimes 2 but if u could look down on us thank u