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thank god for hip hop

About Me

apologies for this hip hop in your face thing. it's true though. can't even think of life without this greatest culture/art form/life form ever.u can check what my idea of its musical aspect is on Wednesdays from 8 p.m. at Tabasco (the corner of Moniuszki and Piotrkowska) in Lódz.the event is called RapSroda (RapWednesday)and u're welcome MySpace Graphics

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Vintage Green/Yellow - Image Hosting

haven't been here for a while - had to undergo surgery. i had a thyroid nodule removed on 14 June 2007 and due to my stay in hospital won't have time/energy for a proper farewell party in Lódz, so... this is it.no more RapWednesdays at Tabasco; don't know what will happen to StrefaReaktywacja, hope for the best.i'm ready to move to Gdynia - the most beautiful city in Poland (whose authorities do their best to ensure well-being of the citizens)2 years ago Snoop Dogg was performing at Skwer Kosciuszki in Gdynia and (let me guess;) overwhelmed by the view, waterfront, stage lighting, his appreciative audience, God knows what else, he kept saying: gdynia i love you. he made me notice it and 2 years later i am doing it - i'm leaving for gdynia in 10 days.in case u were wondering;)

My Interests

http://www.klhh.prv.pl/ to jest nowy projekt o ktorym wiecej wkrotce. Lódz z tego slynie;)

'z naszego miasta respekt dla innych miast, to to to to to lódz'
przeprowadzam sie do gdyni. zaczelo sie od Snoop Dogga i jego 'gedynia aj low ju' 2 lata temu. nie uda mi sie zrobic imprezy pozegnalnej bo jestem oslabiona po operacji tarczycy. jesli byliscie w strefie czy tabasco - dziekuje. mam nadzieje ze w gdyni znajde taka strefe o jakiej marzylam i jaka pamietam. pozdrawiam lodzkich pionierow z nadzieja ze kroniki lodzkiego hip hopu choc w czesci oddadza wam sprawiedliwosc.

I'd like to meet:

thought I was the only one remembering Big Daddy Kane (can show & prove) but having checked the Net I'm moved and happy so many of us appreciating his incredible skills are still here. I've been thinking of providing BDK with dope beats matching his greatness and I've found a producer who thinks he's up to this challenge. Is there any chance BDK can find out about it? If you're so blessed (gifted, remember? ) you just can't retire like that. I mean whatever BDK might be doing, if it's not making records as well, is ... not enough.PeaceAnd this is another message:to anybody appreciating BDK.some time ago i hinted at knowing a producer whose beats could be on par with Smooth Operator's skills. now u can check whether i'm right listening to his music on www.phhr.netMr Hardy if u're reading it - God bless you. check the beats and if u like them there can be as many as u'd like, especially for you. let there be BDK's comeback.one love


4 maja 2007 piatek STREFA REAKTYWACJA - ostatnia szansa na hip hop na zywo w legendarnym miejscu. Piotrkowska 79 pub Absurd, kiedys slynna Strefa. Jedyne miejsce w Lodzi, w którym maja szanse zaistniec znów cykliczne imprezy hip hopowe. Juz w pierwszych tygodniach pokazali sie tu m.in. Turi, Zorak, Kliford, Gix, Smoku, Czeban i nie tylko. Wlasciciele zainwestowali w sprzet i stworzyli mozliwosci. Teraz od frekwencji zalezy czy imprezy przetrwaja. Czy jest tu eudezet/hollylódz???!!!!



My Blog

Check out this event: MadeinLodz - hip hop

hip hop to the fullest - a promo concert of MadeinLodz.MadeinLodz - a record produced by phhr featuring artists from Lodz.check out www.phhr.net to see the track liston 1 July  at PianoCafe, Piot...
Posted by konstancja on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 08:46:00 PST