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I am here for Friends

About Me

Actuellement, je suis lecteur d'anglais en France ainsi qu'etudiant en Linguistique. Je suis passionne du langage et son fonctionnement. Le langage est une enigme a debusquer, d'ou la presence d'un qui proco dans une conversation quelconque, et pourtant, elle ne sera jamais resolue: je suis d'avis, parmi d'autres, que le langage atteint et touche toute partie de notre conscience. C'est ainsi qu'en l'etudiant, il nous conscientise de son pouvoir dote.

My Interests

I like French. I dont know how good at it I am, but I like it.


Anything that is epically epic. I dont care how many hydra-slaying verses there are- if they are not any scenes depicting a warlock smiting the vile beast upon the mountain-side, its just nerd crap. In the (unfortunate) event that the vile beast should win, it is indeed necessary to restart and level up the warlock in question beforehand. If all else fails, buy the EMERALD SWORD for 500,000 gil and have at it...if you know what Im saying. A group should be able to have so much rock power that the sheer force of their instruments playing should cause destruction (Dragonforce!)


Find an ointment


An idea: They should conceive a show in which there is a team of forensic scientists who solve mysterious murders (that would be Clue-esque non?)


Anything that shows an emblematic and pompous French man on the cover; a real avant-garde "think piece"


I think we all know...

My Blog

Language - enjoy

In light of what I have recently read, I thought I would share a few short reflections.  Language: we all take it for granted, but what is it?  Language is the "tangible" product of the...
Posted by Vincent on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 02:04:00 PST

Euro swimming

Thoughts on Euro-swimming: If you have never been to a community pool in the E.U. let me enlighten you as to what you are missing.  Tout prime:  Grandma & Grampa however immobile they ma...
Posted by Vincent on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 12:26:00 PST

Washn' & Wondern'

If anyone is familiar on how to ignite a fire under a govt's derriere, do tell. Pour ceux d'entre vous qui ne sont pas forcement au courant (ceci n'indique pas que vous soyez contre courant), my life-...
Posted by Vincent on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 10:37:00 PST