I like French. I dont know how good at it I am, but I like it.
Anything that is epically epic. I dont care how many hydra-slaying verses there are- if they are not any scenes depicting a warlock smiting the vile beast upon the mountain-side, its just nerd crap. In the (unfortunate) event that the vile beast should win, it is indeed necessary to restart and level up the warlock in question beforehand. If all else fails, buy the EMERALD SWORD for 500,000 gil and have at it...if you know what Im saying. A group should be able to have so much rock power that the sheer force of their instruments playing should cause destruction (Dragonforce!)
Find an ointment
An idea: They should conceive a show in which there is a team of forensic scientists who solve mysterious murders (that would be Clue-esque non?)
Anything that shows an emblematic and pompous French man on the cover; a real avant-garde "think piece"
I think we all know...