finding that girl that knows me, but she is still out there.
I’ve met all kinds of people... it is the ones that you can trust that are the ones that are hard to find. Kudos to that. I want to meet people at the same level in life as me. The ones that are not what I consider bums or the ones that considers themselves "cool", but, the ones that I can have an intellectual conversation with and in the end they would understand what I’m talking about or in a way will feel enlightened. They are the ones that are dreamers and turn their dreams into reality. They are the ones that strive for excellence in life for future success. They are the ones that succeed in life and all they want is more. They are the ones that never settle for second best, and of course the ones that are a whole-heartedly genuine person. Like they say, "You are who you are, but the ones you are around the most are the ones that inspire you. However, you become like the ones you are around." the ones that take action without further at due, they just seize the moment.
Old School, Finding Nemo, Dawn of the Dead, Serendipity, Legend of Speed, Pleasantville, A Beautiful Mind, Old school Horror movies such as Texas Chainsaw Masacure, The shining, etc. etc.etc. Oh cant forget the black and white and retro colored godzillas FTW.
no time for it. all i do is work. i work 7 days a week and which 5 out of the 7 i pull 10 hour shifts. on top of all this i go to school part time.
the ones for my classes or the magazines i subscribe to.
my grand father that past away in november of 03, my parents, my close friends, and of course the people that inspires me.