Jared profile picture


..Forget the War, Forget the Politicians, Forget the Government....If you don't support the Troops,

About Me

Hola, I love beer...like a ton, I play guitar, skate/snowboard here and there. I'm going to school for Film and work as a Video Production Assistant so thats cool. I like video games and movies and books, they are pretty awesome. I have a gorgeous blue pit bull puppy named Saydee, so that rules. Oh and I'm in love with the most beautiful girl in the world, Jessie, she is...well the word amazing or incredible don't do her justice....cyaaaaaaaaa

My Interests

Jessie, Beer,Saydee, my friends and Film,

I'd like to meet:

OH WAIT........


I love Pop music of any kind... i know, weird but i love the stuff from Michael Jackson to Natasha Bedingfeild... I like select Hardcore, punkrock, and metal...actaully i even like some rap, hip hop and country so im all over the board


I love all movies....period...butt saving private ryan and Braveheart and love actually are some of my favs


lost, scrubs, stargate....plus any shows thats ever been on pretty much


the bible, fantasy stuff, trilogies, ummmm magazines too


Jesus, the guy who invented beer, and bruce willis