||sports * all kinds. basically netball. swimming. running*|| books * harry potter. lotr. etc*|| music*no pref. linkin park. stacie orrico. evanescence*|| dikir barat || chattin *phone. directly.net*|| going out || sleepin'|| movies ||etc||
erh. humans and people. no |iMi+a+tions.
no pref actually.. but the best ones are linkin park. evanescence. staccie orrico. dikir pun orite *esp juara dikir temasek yang nyanyi dian yulaiha*
definitely LoRd oF tHe rInGs!! peter pan. cheaper by a dozen. school of rock. juon. tale of two sisters.ada apa dengan cinta. erh. duno? the rest are all ok only..
at the moment.. none.