Almost everything. I'm outspoken on what I believe in, and keep quiet unless I'm sure of myself. I can comment on almost any topic. The key word here is ALMOST.
Name: Crystal.
Date of Birth: April 21.
Birthplace: San Antonio.
Current Location: Lou'siana.
Eye Color: Deep ocean blue with a hint of green, a smokey grey blue ring along the edge and a starburst of hazel in the center.
Hair Color: Dark Brown.
Height: 5'5"
Heratige: Mutt.
Piercings: Ears.
Tattoos: None.
Band/Singer: Reba McEntire.
Song: That's My Job--Conway Twitty.
Movie: The Last Unicorn.
Disney Movie: Pocahontas.
TV Show: Three and A Half Men.
Color: Baby Blue.
Food: Pasta. (Italian)
Pizza Topping: Black Olive.
Ice-Cream Flavor: Vanilla with chocolate sauce.
Drink (alcoholic): Jack Daniels.
Soda: Dr. Pepper.
Store: Wal-Mart.
Clothing Brand: Pluma.
Shoe Brand: Wrangler.
Season: Summer.
Month: July.
Holiday/Festival: Christmas.
Flower: Lily.
Make-Up Item: Mascara.
Board Game: Candy Land.
This or That
Sunny or Rainy: Rainy.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
Fruit or Veggie: Fruit.
Night or Day: Night.
Sour or Sweet: Sour.
Love or Money: Love.
Phone or In Person: In Person.
Looks or Personality: Personality.
Coffee or Tea: Coffee.
Hot or Cold: Hot.
Goal for this year: Get on my feet.
Most missed memory: Playing without a care.
Best phyiscal feature: Eyes.
First thought waking up: Five more minutes...
Hypothetical Personality disorder: multiple personalities.
Preferred type of plastic surgery: Boob job.
Sesame Street alter ego: Grover.
Fairytale alter ego: Pocahontas.
Most stupid remark: "That's so wrong it's not right!"
Worst crime: Carrying a weapon without registration.
Greatest ambition: Own/run my own quarter horse ranch.
Greatest fear: Losing control.
Darkest secret: I have a hidden fear that I either won't be able to have kids at all or have 'em all be miscarriages.
Favourite subject: English/reading.
Strangest recieved gift: A dildo.
Worst habit: Trying to make things perfect. (OCD)
Do You
Smoke: Nope.
Drink: Nope.
Curse: Yup.
Shower Daily: Nope.
Like Thunderstorms: Yup.
Dance in the rain: Yup.
Sing: Yup.
Play an instrument: Nope.
Get along with your parents: Nope.
Wish on stars: Yup.
Believe in fate: Yup.
Believe in love at first sight: Nope.
Can You
Drive: Yup.
Sew: Yup.
Draw: Yup.
Cook: Yup.
Speak another language: Yup.
Dance: Nope.
Sing: Nope.
Touch your nose with your tongue: Nope.
Whistle: Yup.
Curl your tongue: Yup.
Have you Ever
Been Drunk: Yup.
Been Stoned/High: Yup.
Eaten Sushi: Yup.
Been in Love: Yup.
SKipped school: Yup.
Made prank calls: Yup.
Sent someone a love letter: Nope.
Stolen something: Yup.
Cried yourself to sleep: Yup.
Other Questions
What annoys you most in person? Emotions.
Are you right or left handed? Right.
What is your bedtime? Noon.
Name three things you can't live without: Air, water, Justin.
What is the color of your room? White.
Do you have any siblings? Yup.
Do you have any pets? Yup.
Would you kill someone you hate for a millions dollars? Yup.
What is your middle name? Joann.
What are your nicknames? Chris, Jo, C. J., Chrissypoo, Chrissy, Baby, Nerd, Asshole.
Are you for or against gay marriage? Against.
What are your thoughts ..ion? Murder is not birth control.
Do you have a crush on anyone? Yup.
Are you afraid of the dark? Yup.
How do you want to die? Violently.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten in one day? Twelve.
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Yup.
What is the last law you have broken? Stealing.
In a Member of the Opposite Sex
Hair color: Dark.
Eye color: Blue.
Height: At least 5'7" or 5'8"
Weight: 180 or so.
Most important physical feature: Chest/jaw/arms (all broad and strong)
Biggest turn-off: Smoking.
Most anyone who can respect boundaries. I'm sorry, but when I say don't cross this line, you'd better damn well not cross that line.
I love music; I live off of music. There is very little music genre I don't like, though there is always the bad song.
I don't do movies.
I don't do television.
I read. A lot. You throw enough out there, you'll most likely find something I've read often enough to have memorized. Books are like music; there is very little I don't like, thought there's always the bad novel.
There are no heroes anymore.