I Lurrrve to cook, socialise, read, make clothes and travel overseas - I Love the US, especially Oklahoma & ATL, Egypt & (Ghana - my homeland!!!)
Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, the entire cast of MTV's "The Shop" and Monique !!
I love listening to all kinds of music - mainly R&B, Soul, Hip-Life,Rap, Gospel,Ragga, Funky House and some Alternative music- just about everything as long as it sounds good!
My Favourite musical's is Grease,Mary Poppins & Pretty Woman, I'm also into Rom-com's, action and some thrillers. Absolutely CANNNNNOT do Horror (I can just about sit through Freddy's Nightmare 1 & Final Destination 1!!!!)
I love America's Next Top Model, MTV's The Shop, Fresh Trouble (For those who watch OBE channel 159) and Eastenders, All of Us and Sleeper Cell (Fox channel)
The Bible, Flowers in the Attic, The Sisters of APF & Skinny Women are Evil
God and My Mother!