PLayIng my guiTar, wRitIng my stuff, wrIting sOngs, watchIng gIlmore gIrls and One tree hIll..thats alL, slEepIng, PLayIng music reaLly lOud, gOing to cOncerts, lOcal bands, hAngIng Out with fRiends, and yeaaahh
Dark haIr, Pale skIn, lIp riNg, Band shIrts, hOt vOice, hOt themseleVes, gReat persOnailty, can make me laugh, lIstens tO gOod music
Bands lIke: Thrice, Taking back sunday, The used, The cure, The doors, THe clash, Hot hot heat, A static lullaby, Less than jake, Postal sErvIce, Darkest hOur, Senses fail, Motion city soundtrack, blah theres tOo many tO name!
GReasE!!and PIrates of the carribean!!!! Oyeahhh and O Freaky fRIday YAY!
aLot of shIt