God, dancing, reading, writing, sports, education, Spanish and Latin America, people, food, choreography (and teaching it!), music, pop culture, movies, HAVING A JOB IN THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY, my boyfriend
Partners in artistic endeavors, old and new friends, people who have any entertainment job leads, Oprah, and Anderson Cooper
Basically all, but I love music I can dance to, choreograph to, and think to, I actually like a lot of alternative music...oh yeah, and I am a huge teenie bopper
The Notebook (I don't usually enjoy romantic films but this was my golden breakthrough), Beaches, Magnolia, In America, Something New, Gremlins, Joy Luck Club, Goonies, The Color Purple, Shark Tale, M.Night Shymalan movies
Grey's Anatomy, Oprah, SYTYCD, PARTY OF FIVE (thank the Lord for dvd, this show is GOLD!), Living Single, All awards shows, The Bachelor, ANTM
I prefer non-fiction...bell hooks's books, Captivating, Chasing the Dragon, The Question of God: Freud and Lewis Debate, the bible, please talk to me about books, I love them!
Oprah, mommy, Koko, Chris, my G-mom