Stacey profile picture


I'm marketable, I can find a job, I can be a great career woman!

About Me

I'm a friendly and outgoing person, but with tons of fire...I'm passionate and thoughtful. I'm an introverted extrovert. I love to have fun and dance and teach and read and eat and try new things, I'm up for anything! I love to spend time with people, which almost takes priority over everything else, including what I NEED to do, but who can pass up time with a good friend? I love Jesus, and it is this relationship that leads me to be an incredibly honest person, among many other things I wasn't before God was in my life. I'm many things, just ask! Oh, and just in case you might know what these mean, here it goes: Activator, Competition, Input, Positivity, and Significance. And I'm an ESFJ on the Myers Briggs tip.Create or get your
very own MySpace Layouts

My Interests

God, dancing, reading, writing, sports, education, Spanish and Latin America, people, food, choreography (and teaching it!), music, pop culture, movies, HAVING A JOB IN THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY, my boyfriend

I'd like to meet:

Partners in artistic endeavors, old and new friends, people who have any entertainment job leads, Oprah, and Anderson Cooper


Basically all, but I love music I can dance to, choreograph to, and think to, I actually like a lot of alternative music...oh yeah, and I am a huge teenie bopper


The Notebook (I don't usually enjoy romantic films but this was my golden breakthrough), Beaches, Magnolia, In America, Something New, Gremlins, Joy Luck Club, Goonies, The Color Purple, Shark Tale, M.Night Shymalan movies


Grey's Anatomy, Oprah, SYTYCD, PARTY OF FIVE (thank the Lord for dvd, this show is GOLD!), Living Single, All awards shows, The Bachelor, ANTM


I prefer non-fiction...bell hooks's books, Captivating, Chasing the Dragon, The Question of God: Freud and Lewis Debate, the bible, please talk to me about books, I love them!


Oprah, mommy, Koko, Chris, my G-mom

My Blog

Yes, it is There is no "e" in front of the "x." This is my blog that I write with my great friend and roommate Kristal! It is all about the black woman’s exper...
Posted by Stacey on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 05:38:00 PST


IN THE YEAR 2008:1. Will you be looking for a new job?ASAP...actually, already am2. Will you be looking for a new relationship?No...I love Tim3. New house?Well, as of now, I live in an apartment and t...
Posted by Stacey on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 05:45:00 PST

My Passions?

What do I care about? I think when you come out of college, or maybe even right before you come out of college, you think you know what you are passionate about, what all of your big dreams are. Even...
Posted by Stacey on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 07:30:00 PST

In love...

How does a person know when they are in love? What is the criteria, who is the one judging? Do you have to see an in love judge at the in love courthouse to determine if you are in love or not? I gues...
Posted by Stacey on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 04:05:00 PST

Chicago and Willow Creek

So last night I got back from my 3 day trip to Chicago, or South Barrington rather, which is the Beverly Hills of Chicago I hear, and although I am tired today and anxious about what the coming weeks ...
Posted by Stacey on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:21:00 PST

Outstanding I love that GAP Band song. I thought it was the perfect song for my profile, even if it is old school. But I love the words. How many women want to hear someone tell them they are ou...
Posted by Stacey on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 09:52:00 PST

waiting... people and their relationships...I see this deep longing inside of people to just go the incredible distance to have people in their lives and keep them there, and at times I think, I kind...
Posted by Stacey on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:45:00 PST