im so sorry that i havent been able to spend as much as i used to with you. a lot of shit happened... and im so glad your still standing there for me. i love you very much and you will always be my number one in my life. your the bestest friend a girl could ever wish for. thanks for everything youve done for me and letting me learn so much from you.
weve been through a lot even though we havent known each other for years. im so glad to have met you. you mean a lot to me. my heart drops everytime i hear that your sick. so stop getting sick. everythings gonna be fine. and we are all gonna be healthy and fine at the end. i love you biatch.
damn. i dont know if i can ever thank you enough for things youve done for me. thanks for being there for me and helping out whenever i needed someone. your such a great friend and we better be staying this way for a long ass while. be my damn brides maid IF i EVER get married. haha. lovee youu.
it feels so weird not talking to you as much as i used to during the summer. im sad to not being able to see you much. :[. weve had our good times and laughs and sad times and some cries. weve made it through and i better see your ass more here in a bit. haha. once i get better and we are no longer 'WALKING DISEASES'. love you mucho my burrito biatch.
so for now, all i can say is how much i miss you and i hate myself everytime i get sad because of it. and then i listen to calling you or brand new girlfriend and i think of you. i go work out, i think of you. and it fucking sucks. you will be back in a year. and im already excited :]
Josh Hendershot
funny how things turn out to be huh? no matter what happens between us, when we talk again, everythings just fine. now im not so afraid to admit how much i miss you and that im not over you yet. sometimes i wonder if i ever will. but for now, im glad to have you in my life and i hope for the best for you and me. thanks for being there for me all these times.
damn. asian. i havent seen you in forever and i miss my boo. :[. well. i better see you sooon, slut. i hope things are great for you. :]. and everything will work out great. i miss our summer dayssss.
hola. whitey. haha. i havent seen you in such a long time.. gosh. im so out of the loop, its amazing. but i gotta see you when you get back in time. im happy for you and erica. :]. you guys are so cute together. love you biatch.
at one point, ive realized i always turn to you when i got problems. remember the old days when we used to talk to each other on the phone everyday? im sorry i couldnt make any time for you. but you know i love you so much and you will always be my big brother. thank you baby. :].
There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore, and who always will and in the end you learn who is fake, who is true, and who would risk it all for you.
i dont believe in 'forever in love' bullshit.
'i love you' isnt good enough sometimes.
love will not be my everything, ever.
but i want to settle down with a great guy.
a guy who is worth my time and interesting.
who can have hold a conversation
besides about drinking, smoking, and girls.
i could care less about his looks.
who knows, one of these days,
i will find a great guy for me ;].