My favorite...
...Colors are Blue, Black and Red
...Animals are Dogs, Cats and Chetahs
...Sports are Football, Basketball, Golf, Among Others
...Season is Winter
...TV Show is Smallville
...Drink is Alcohol
...Books are Dean Koontz
...Artists are Almost anyone
...Holiday is Valentine's Day
...Website is
Interest Table Code provided by Mycal Simmons of course, holla at me if ya want one
Who'd i like to meet...hmmmm...i mean everyone would like to meet a celerbity or sumone super famous but i'm not sure i do. i've already met my soul mate (or who i believe to be) but who i really would like to meet is sumone like my mom, not just looks, i mean the will, the desire, the fire, the personality, the honesty, the power, the totall package, the whole nine yards. Sure ive met people who possess sum of her outstanding qualities but not all of them, not even half of them...Well i guess my mom is one of a kind, truly a Godsend, an Angel in her own right. If you happen to kno sumone or anyone who is like the greatest woman in the world (my mom) lemme kno plz...thanx. But until then i would like to meet you, got yahoo messenger? (tigger_63769) got AIM? (piscesman22) got email? ([email protected]) hit me up either way i love meeting coo, new, funny people.
oh man, keeps my heart beating along with my other passions, i can't say enough about how big, how important music is to me, all types (except like folk, opera, and hispanic, no offense, just couldn't get into it) too. i try not to be closed minded like some people who don't listen to oldies or rap or rock because of their race or any reason for that matter, music is music, they are all saying the same thing in different ways and just different beats. yes for the most part rap is empty and and shallow but wat about the good rap the stuff that has some meaning behind it?
Game provided by: Myspace Games
Mostly i only read Dean Koontz, Ever Read him? hit me up and tell me wat was your favorite, or wat you like or dont like about him. i try to read anything and everything, cant really get into stephen king tho, not too sure y, maybe i never gave him a chance because Koontz is better.
Game provided by: Myspace Games