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Enter into a land of enchanting harmonies.........

About Me

..................and let your spirit fly!!We come from a place where music is a powerful force that takes over your whole person, where songs write you and you become the song. Where enchanting harmonies lift your soul into a magic world far from a world obsessed with money and celebrity.As for our music........ Depends on what you're in the mood for!! Our music ranges in styles from dark brooding fearscapes, to trippy-hippy sounds, to powerful ballads, to driving dance choons, to gentle harmonic trips........ By the way, if you like our background and want to know where to find it, wefound this fantasy layout at HOT :: MyHotComments

My Interests


Member Since: 5/25/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Ayum and Da Clyhh
Influences: ABBA, Enigma, Tori Amos, Adiemus, The K.L.F, Messiah, Gigi D'Agostino, 90's Dance/Pop music e.g The Prodigy, Acen, Culture Beat, The Time frequency, Ace of Base etc. Any song with a good strong tune!!!
Sounds Like: PART SEVEN: One time, at night, she could feel it crawling up her bed. And when all the lights and the electricity in the house became dim and halfhearted, it was no electrical fault... No. It is the visitor. Your worst nightmare. Lurking in the shadows, watching from its cold solitary world, eternally waiting for its chance to break through. Waiting for one moment in time. That time has come.END of ESSAY(Essay by Eoin* From his book: *The importance of politics to modern everyday life*)And we can do foreign languages too. Heres a snippet of a story written in Laisleagelanguage, (*Da language de Lamph* to the locals...)UPT DORF: Acme streeapondralos saihlle de cair uvlothnin taktillat da afterate de rahsule largos refridgerator de da largos loloth pisloth portishead. Rahsum halothnin bash muse abriton spohs ate rahsum knairo loloth da yipyipyip bacages, ate perlfibarko rahsum haloth begokloth mi ar une yyprjzdge jusden une dush. Brownstown saihlleairs loloth une nematica seharienuance unbegokitha museumscillah bessigh ar da ellekebellikleboolikle. Aliavon saihlle rahsule liavs strume Brownstowns fi apinnaclon landinbalairin ate even Goldsunal lexis loloth araphnackon da nar ate da Clyhh barbuda ultimahlism, (ate atme elaine zaps cyando)
Type of Label: None