Suzanne profile picture


For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness

About Me

Hmmm...Okay well I'm 25 years old...I love life! I'm VERY passionate about Christ! It's a tough walk, but He's TOTALLY worth it! I've been with my WONDERFUL boyfriend Nathan for about 8 years now. He's an amazing person and I'm sooo lucky to have him in my life! I love him with all of my heart! :) hmmm...I've worked for the Texas Dept. of Public Safety for 6 years now. I really enjoy what I'm doing for now, but don't want to do it forever. I will one day follow in my dad's footsteps and become a police officer with the goal of making it to Detective...I LOVE music, any kind, any language, any music, period, there's my absolute favorites, Classical and Rap (not together of course) and everything in between, I just love it! Very rarely is my music quietly playing with the windows rolled up! I know I'm retarded, imagine the looks I get at red lights though, priceless! Anyway, I love spending time with my sweet boy out on the lake on our bass boat taking pictures and of course watching him fish ;) I absolutely LOVE Mustangs, I'm totally crazy over them, we have two and they're our babies Gina (1998 V6) & Gino (1993 GT 5.0 Vert)! They're like works of art to me...yah, I'm kinda wierd over them lol...I guess that's all I can think of to put in this thing, sorry about the book! If you have any questions or anything just ask! I'm an open book!
Lady Justice...
***:Bible Verse:

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About Me
Name Suzanne
Nickname Sufe, Sweet Girl, Anna, Pretty Girl, Suzi Q, Suzi Anna, Curly Sue...the list goes on and on...
Birthday 8/06
Age 25
Height 5'6
Hair Color Brown w/ red and blonde highlights
Eye Color Greenish/Blueish
Have You Ever
Fallen for your besfriend Yup :) my sweet boy!
Kissed someone who was just your friend Lol...a few times...
Been rejected Nope
Been in love Still am!
Used someone oh goodness...yah, back in the day...
Cheated on someone Nope
Been cheated on yup
Done something you regret A few things...but if I hadn't done them I wouldn't be who I am today!
Do you ...
Color your hair yup...sometimes
Have tattos Yessir
If so how many one
Have any peircings Sure Do...
If so how many 3 my ears and my nose
Have a bf/gf Yup :) My Nathan!
Like thunderstorms Only if Nathan's there to protect me ;)
Ever get off the damn computer Sure...when I
Have you/Do you have...
Considered a life of crime years ago lol...
Considered being a hooker everyday!
Considered being a pimp Don't you know who I am!?!? lol....j/k
Split personalities Nope
Obsessions Many Many of those...
Panic Nope
Anxiety Yah, I'm definetly a stresser... :(
Depression/Considered suicid Every once in awhile I get depressed...
Right now..
Current clothes Black and white shirt with lace and black pants...
Current mood Happy :)
Current hair Down, but fixed...
Current music none
Current annoyance PEOPLE...Only one in particular...why do some people have to be soooo complicated????
Current perfume/cologne Abercrombie 8
Current thing you should be doing Waking Nathan up
Color Purple
Candy Gummi Bears
Tv Show Hmmm...I dunno, I don't watch too much TV...probably Malcolm In the Middle
Movie The Sound of Music
Place Anywhere Nathan's at :)
Person to talk to Nathan, my mom, Jamie & Beki
Do your perfer..
McDonalds or Burger King Neither!
Marry the Perfect Lover or the perfect friend The perfect friend
Root Beer or Dr Pepper Root Beer
Sunshine or Rain I think I like a good combination of both...
Spring or Fall Fall
Winter or Summer Winter!
Vanilla or Chocolate Vanilla
Snowboarding or Sking Skiing
Lights on or Off off lol...
Are you...
Understanding I think so...
Open Minded Very much so
Bad Tempered I think everyone has their moments, I'm no different
Happy Most of the time :)
Attractive Sometimes
Bored Easily Yup, poor Nathan! LOL
Sad Rarely
Unique Very!! lol..
What do you like in a Girl/ Boy Loves God, HAS to have a great sense of Humor, can make me laugh, always entertaining me, but not annoying! Sensitive and soft/kind hearted, Loves kids...NATHAN! ;)
Eyes Blue
Hair color Brown
Long or short hair Short
Hieght Nathan's height!
Body Type Sexy!
Personality Everything I said up there in what I like a boy....funny, sensitive, kind hearted...
How would you describe yourself Super SHY when you first meet me, but later, very quirky, fun, enjoy life, Passionate about Christ, sometimes grumpy, but easy to make smile :) Verrrrry ticklish! I LOVE making people who look like they haven't smiled in 15 years smile :) I LOVE talking and I HATE DRAMA....
Do you have any Pets Yup, Saleen, our 6 year old kitty :), a 4 year old little rat terrier(Shelby) and a 2 year old cat named Molly, Neeka, Shaniqua and Mack (she answers to them all lol!!)...
Have any syblings Sure do...Becky(22), Mikey (21), Timmy(21), David aka Teddy(19)
What do you want to be when you grow up? A Homicide Detective
Do you wanna get married and have kids? I sure do!!
What is your best physical Trait? I dunno...My smile? :)
What is the best thing about your personality? I really like to laugh! :)
What words do you overuse Sorry....
Whats the most annoying thing about you I apologize PROFUSELY...and I tend to ramble uncontrolably when I'm nervous or uncomfortable or unsure of myself, so I tend to come off super wierd when someone first meets's really embarrassing!!!
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My Interests


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I'd like to meet:

my inner child:
Your Inner Child Is Surprised
You see many things through the eyes of a child.
Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.
You cherish all of the details in life.
Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things. How Is Your Inner Child?seperate:

seperate:collage:TAKE MY TEST!!!
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My pet fish!
adopt your own virtual pet!Magnet thing!

Myspace Layouts
Hook 'Em!!Music:
Create Your Own! video thingLady Soveriegn Video:


Hmmm...I pretty much like anything that keeps you on the edge of your seat and in the movie...I love scary movies, you know, the ones that are actually scary...I'm so embarrassed to say this, but I love Lifetime movies...


NIP TUCK!! and Grey's Anatomy...Other than those two, I really don't watch too much television...


Like i said earlier, i love to read anything, My favorite writers are Sandra Brown and Patricia Cornwell...they're both awesome writers...


Of course my sweet boy, Nathan. He shows the world that no matter what hits you, you can't stay down...I'm very blessed to have him in my life as my companion, my soul mate and my best friend :) and My dad, He's given up and gone through so much to make sure we all had everything we needed...he's really an amazing person... and of course my mom :) I love her so much! She had to raise all five of us and we've all come out so great...sure we have our querks, but we are her kids afterall ;)...she made sure that we were all pretty well rounded and prepared for what life has to offer us whether it be bad or good...a true feat for one person...she's one of the strongest people I know...
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts

My Blog

Frustrated defeatedness...

Well...I feel really defeated...We've been going and going and going trying to find the right house for us...We've found a few and either someone put in an application for it that morning or something...
Posted by Suzanne on Fri, 11 May 2007 02:09:00 PST

Trans-Siberian Orchestra!!

Well as most of you know, I love classical music...Well when I was kid I used to listen to my mom's CDs and during christmas her Trans-Siberian orchestra came out...I've loved them since I was li...
Posted by Suzanne on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 05:50:00 PST


I'm in a bad mood...just thought I'd tell the world since it's such a rare occurence and all...i feel like such a myspace nerd...
Posted by Suzanne on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 04:26:00 PST