Buisness,soccer/sports, law, health, fashion, the world, investing, music, reading biographys, and motivational books(cheesy I know), camping, travel, cooking, photography, and men. If you're interested in buying a house in KY contact...................... www.johnsmither.com he's the best!
JESUS-thank you for keeping me and loving me. I love you Lord, and I cant wait to see you, and run into your arms.As for a man....Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will stay awake just to watch you sleep, wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks your just as pretty without make up on, wait for the one who is constantly reminding you how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you, wait for the one who turns to his friends and says "....that's her."
I like it all. I've got everything from Jazz, Postal Service,John Mayer, Jack Johnson, Cold Play, Pearl Jam, Deftones, Rascal Flats,50cent,Jason Mraz, JDCrow & Dean Osbourn who are good friends, well I could go on but you get the point. Created @ Jiggyboo.com
Anything I can dance to!
Garden State, The Notebook, Big Fish, I love funny movies!, old war movies "the black and white ones," and movies that keep me on the edge of my seat, BraveHeart and Mad Love. ..
Desperate Housewifes, Channel E news, the History channel, WLEX 18 news(Bill M), Sex & the City, Texas Ranger, Bill Cosby, The Discovery Channel and music videos.
The Bible, RICH DAD POOR DAD Johnny Cash's life story, The Screwtape Letters, Letters of a skeptic by GREGORY Boyd, The Greatest Salesman in the Wold, John Grisham, Zig Ziggler,Just Like Jesus by Max Lucado.
GOD cause He died for me, He forgives me & He still Loves me; My Daddy cause he can fix anything and he loves me so much; John Wessley cause he overcame more problems then I've ever heard of! My momma for allher sacrifice and care. I have amazing parents!! And, yes there still happy with each other..