Znî‡RÅm profile picture


we are the ones that we've been waiting for

About Me

Hey guys, my new material will be displayed on a new myspace site that's under construction. And yes, its much different than anticipated, even surprising..And these are nothing compared to the new material. There are a few factors which have led to this new dynamic direction, which i find myself extremely enthused, and in anticipation ov its final result. I have several projects in the werks, Monarch iv (Industrial), SET (Experimental Noise/Ambient), and TPr (retarded carny-influenced cyberpunk). So i'm looking for the site to be up soon.As far as HOW I am personally, I dig a good freak session with friends who know HOW to invoke that dynamic frequency, and perpetuate it to its utmost hilt. TREVOR ..
Bill Cooper- Behold a Pale Horse (4 + hours)
(thanks to Red Pills for the video)
I'd Like to Meet:
Anyone who can think critically for thems elves, and allow others around them to think for themselves as well. You know, people with vision...

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can think critically for thems elves, and allow others around them to think for themselves as well. You know, people with vision...


frontline assembly, yendri, dcd, old time relijun, dissecting table, lassigue bendthaus, vicious pink, trentemoller, anything on projekt, mute, factory, or 4ad, blancmange, menomena!, leningrad sandwich, malaria!, XTC, elliot smith, blue oyster cult, old chicago, king missile, gackt, blank dogs, le shok, the locust, the helio sequence, sia, david bowie, 7% solution, malory, l'usine, dive, qntal, japan, the spits, t-ride, android lust, psychopomps, informatik, komputer, kompressor, coil, tycho, loop, can, portishead, virulent AK437, chameleons uk, caberet voltaire, supertramp, ella fitzgerald, rosemary clooney, frank sinatra, panacea, dirk ivens, red sun, uwe schmidt, the dow jones industrials, john carpenter, demonoid13, this mortal coil, al green, kraftwerk, seefeel, architect, fad gadget, leonard cohen, atrax morgue, lou reed, kent, the tear garden, the smiths, cheap trick, morthem vlade art, ah cama-sotz, virgin prunes, throbbing gristle, church ov the psychic tv (YOUTH), blue cheer, christian marclay, syd barrett, lydia lunch, survival unit, hiv+, merzbow, khanate, this mortal coil, kommunity fk, james black (chance) and the whites, current 93, flipper, richard hell & the voidoids, foetus, doves, chrome, judas priest, black sabbath, slayer, birmingham 6, mr. bungle, fantomas, auto-mod, clock dva, hard santas, goat worship, major dad, marcel dupré, ulrich schnauss, damon edge, haujobb, placebo, talking heads, new order, steely dan, sweet, new york dolls, fang, crucifucks, 69 eyes, london after midnight, plaid, richard devine, skinny puppy, wire, suicide, swans, hooverphonic, dna, op ivy, the residents, whitehouse, circle jerks, dead kennedy's, the contortions, the dictators, cranes, finitribe, morbid angel, cocteau twins, tool, suede, the stone roses, shudder to think, brian eno, black lung, s.p.k., devo, john cale, john cage, buzzcocks, tsol, the vandals, surf punks, the subhumans, christian death, john zorn, killing joke, nordvagr, 7 seconds, the ramones, the fearless iranians from hell, nick cave, fleurety, gary numan, helios creed, teenage jesus, nightmare lodge, emperor, the klinik, kirlian camera, lene lovich, ozark mountain daredevils, meat beat manifesto, missing persons, my bloody valentine, mercury rev, converter, pain station, combichrist, nurse with wound, rich kids on lsd, severed heads, soft cell, 5f_55, chicks on speed, le tigre, siouxsie and the banshee's, spahn ranch, bikini kill, L7, wendy o, the cramps, exillon, terrorfakt, jamiroquai, biosphere, higher intelligence agency, hypnoskull, otto von schirach, herbst9, ymo, gas huffer, juno, supersuckers, juno reactor, the sisters of mercy, descendents, all, minor threat, the exploited, black flag, velvet underground, sigue sigue sputnik, vangelis, orgy, the style council, little computer people, nitzer ebb, ennio morricone, love spirals downward, dirty sanchez, kelly, slowdive, 2raumwohnung, bonobo, röyksopp, ascii disko, miss kitten, the hacker, venetian snares, radiohead, depeche mode, kate bush, headscan, einstürzende neubauten, x marks the pedwalk, diary of dreams, melotron, the cure, roxy music, my various projekts (tpr and psycho trucker, ek, threshold, trev dementia, vv, monarch IV, kill all the khaki people, SET)

Original Muzik


Very little if none at all. Lately, I have been taking incredibly stupid reality shows and sitcoms and raping them with my own overdubbed vocals, muzik and effekts. Interesting and utterly absurd. So yah, very little, but then again, what the hell am I staring at that allows me to see what I type...


'Thoroughly understand what it is to understand, and not only will you understand the broad lines of all there is to be understood but also you will possess a fixed base, an invariant pattern, opening upon all further developments of understanding...Understand THIS and you understand ALL - stand under this and you stand under all'

My Blog

The Lucifer Project

You be the judge. Jack Parsons would be proud... Non est ad astra mollis e terries via.There is no easy way from the earth to the stars. Seneca This i...
Posted by Znî!RÅm on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 08:23:00 PST

Thus Spake Zarathustra

Watch the master at work (no matter how unhinged and syphlitic he may have been!) 1891 THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA ...
Posted by Znî!RÅm on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 04:04:00 PST