Doin' stuff. I like puppies and kitties.
I don't like to meet people... I prefer to meat them.
I like almost all music. Now I pretty much just listen to what my husband plays because he says his taste in music is "immaculate".
My goodness, there are too many to name. I am a huge fan of movies. I'm not a judgmental as many so I tend to like everything I see. I'm slightly addicted to buying movies now too. It's quite an expensive habit. I guess I'll list a few... no particular order: The Patriot, Love Actually, The United States of Leland, The Pianist, Forest Gump, Joseph, Sweet Home Alabama (yeah I'm aware it's a chick flick), Prince of Egypt, LOTR, Star Wars, almost anything with Johnny Depp in it, bla bla bla and so on. I love movies that make me think and/or feel more than I would have otherwise.
Boooo! TV tries to steal my life away! The boy and I watch a lot of Family Guy, Simpsons, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Law and Order, Futurama, etc. We also watch dvds of old school Nick shows. Pete and Pete for example.
Too many to name but some of my favorite authors are Elizabeth Elliot, C.S. Lewis, and Max Lucado. I recently read Pilgrim's Progress and thought it was absolutely amazing. I'm also a fan of biographies (especially missionary ones). One of my all-time favorite books, other than the Bible, would have to be You Are Special by Max Lucado. I love it! Ordinary People and Passion and Purity are two other books that had a pretty huge impact on my life.Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com
God, Elizabeth Elliot, Jim Elliot, Hudson Taylor, Amy Carmichael, and Keith Green. Oh yeah, and that Jesus guy. He's pretty rad.