Masthead Banner Made with! Click here to make your own!Mariachi Tepalcatepec de Michoacan are truly a cultral treasure from "Tierra Caliente" Michoacan, Mexico. since 1938. Their (sones and songs of passion, love, protest and story telling), recreate news of the times and descriptive musical recollections of heroes, villains, and the people. As with most mariachi, there is wealth of history dating back more than two hundred years. they wear the classic traditional costume of horsemen, laden with silver conchos (known simply as "Botonaduras")and talent is passed down from father to son.
Mariachi Tepalcatepec performs with a stlye long popular in the "Tierra Caliente" region of Michoacan Mexico, but comparatively new to North America. One of The original founders of this stlye was Jesus Espinoza, also known as "El Jasmiche" (El-Has-mee-che). A violin player From The early 1900's. In 1967, Fortino Gonzalez The Father of (Alex Gonzalez) Introduced "Tierra Caliente" style to Los Angeles, California. Alex Gonzalez have embellished upon "El Jasmiche" format to enhance the style once comprised solely of Guitarra de golpe, one Violin and Harp. The Guitarron, Vihuela and Trumpet came later. Augmented now to six Violin, Guitarra de golpe, Vihuela, Guitarron, Arpa, one Trumpet. still in the same style. They have a broader sound than that of the smaller groups, from "Tierra Caliente" who are not referred to as Mariachi, but rather as "Conjunto de Arpa Grande". In this CD recording, it is easily understood why "Mariachi Tepalcatepec de Michoacan" have became one of todays premier Mariachi. Their charm is enduring and not easily forgotten by anyone who has witnessed a live performance listened to their recordings. Can be heard in many motion pictures such as: "Seven" with Brat Pitt Morgan Freeman. "The Quick and the Dead" with Sharon Stone and Gene Hackman. "Pie in the Sky", "Under the Hula Moon", "Freeway" with Kiefer Sutherland. "Mr. Wrong" for WaltDisney Films and many other movies.
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