NEVA ----- MIDNIGHTVIEW profile picture



About Me

""I'LL KISS YOU ANYWHERE" on PJ BUTTA.COM (click here to vote) NEVA / MIDNIGHTVIEW on IMEED.COM (click here view)

NEVA /MIDNIGHTVIEW I am Jamaican not just because my parents are Jamaican i was born there, Dont believe me??... can a fake jamaican type like this ..(LORDAMARCY)... SHABBA!!! see..., told u i was jamaican

things I'm obsessed with... going to the beach at night digging my toes into the sand while counting UFOs and signaling them with my lighter after leaning against the wind and Pretending that I am weightless... good times , wasting gas at 3 in the morning, cause music sounds so much better at that time while driving to nowhere after going to taco bell and ordering a double decker with no meat (FYI: I listen to songs on repeat think about that before you get in a car with me...last chance... door is closeing... ok good , put your seat belt on ... i've been listening to Janet "All for U all day), girls wearing wife beaters =Sex , black lights ,best week ever =Sex , Candles ( its not only for gay people or old people trying to get there groove back while Teddy Pendergrass's "Come on over to my place" is play in the background and a wrinkled old nigga is dancing in the door way wearing nothing but church socks on, doing some old ass circler dance tryna talk his wife in to just sticking the head in after his ass knows she just got her hair did... i lost my self...well the point is i got two burning right now ...I'm also obsessed with wearing a towel in pubic... , Fan mail , glade plug-in and girl that wear that smelly good lotion and spray and i love girls who can dance cause i cant unless im drunk( I'm always getting served ( Omarion be popping out of nowhere like "u just got served nigga...~~~Touch" and be like "nah nigga do over" then i punch him in the face ) famous people i punched in the face count today... 1 ... violence is not good kids... i only use my muscles is for good... like opening pickles jars ...pickle jars are the only reason i work out... it is a well known fact that pickel jars are getting tighter and tighter as the years pass... and i am well prepared ...are u prepared ? for when a lady ask "can u open this ", after making weird faces and noises that sound slightly sexual in a coner trying to open her pickle jar by all her self ... she will be glad i did them push up... then i smile a say... here is your pickle jar mama and she be like oh yeah lets have sex now my pickle jar opener guy ... I say allot of bad words i mean fuck what makes them so bad anyways and

I MISS AALIYAH......................................moment please.................................., I'm told im weird at lest once a day and i kinda love hearing it now or im whitewashed then mins later ill be told im to much of a nigga,that makes me a "weird whitewashed Nigga" best of both worlds , so in the end i just do what makes me happy... Masturbating to all you sexy Ladys's pictures... its natural, it kinda better than porn cause you get to use your imagination, i have 90% female friends so i know how freaky you ladys are behind close doors or when it just a room full of females, it fucked me up the first time i know how dirty u ladys were , i remembering putting my hand on my face home alone style and saying in a white voice "NO WAY" ... (note: back to regular voice )...shit i thought i was the pervert ...bottom line your secret is out !!! Is lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her clothes off?... is that true ladys ??? DONT YOU LIE TO ME !!!! mama aint raise not fool ... well i dont know her so technical she didnt raise a fool... , what the fuck does any of this have to do with my music...???? BUY MY CD ... and B4 i go... (ahhh ,i know, i just met you) i believe in the "Karma Police" (FYI: you cant see them ) so when you fuck someone over as time passes you will in the end find that you have fucked your Self ... in the ass ... with a mop the size of JLo Ass cheek (cheek, yeah just one)... that sounded gay but A stright man shouldnt have to say "No Homo" but i love it when girl say "all homo" its so sexy ... Note: Jealousy kill your soul so be happy with your self.... one last thing, some say with no one in your bed the nights are hard to get thru, i say not being happy by your self....then....... life is hard to get thru... the end ...hold up... diddy is here and wanted to say something, go ahead

Diddy: ... Bad boy take that, take that... Neva: thats all u wanted to say diddy? Diddy: Remix yeahhhh ... so...... i punched him in the face, what can u do? famous people i punched in the face count today... 2 ...(note: me and diddy have a "on-again off-agian" punch each other in the face relationship) ,... I think violent people suck,but if you rape or molest anyone... ill stab you in the head with a folk ...because i believe the children are the future , we should teach then well and let them lead the way, why not show them all the beauty they possesses inside??? PS, Genies are sneaky... fuck sneaky,... espessally the female ones so be very careful if u run in to one (whispering : you have been warned , hey, Are you convinced our experience rearranged you? well sorry i got to go,... it not you its me , plus i ran out of Heineken ... sure are allot of damn E's in Heineken...You Know sometimes i feel like "Fuck it" i hate life , why do i put up with this shit day and night, niggas is like , Nev your flow so tight sooner then later you will shine like the day light , but its,,, so unlikely for one to success when he's racing a million peers for his dream well... fuck it... i guess ill just keep on dreaming ...i like you, your real cool... but i gotha go now ,yeah i know, i cant really tell you where im going, why ?, cause the first rule of fight club is that i cant talk to you about fight club...


My Interests


Member Since: 5/25/2006
Record Label: Are you convinced our experience rearranged you?
Type of Label: None

My Blog


I am Jamaican not just because my parents are Jamaican i was born there, Dont believe me??... can a fake jamaican type like this ..(LORDAMARCY)... SHABBA!!! see..., told u i was jamaicanthin...
Posted by NEVA ----- MIDNIGHTVIEW on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 02:55:00 PST