~dakota~ profile picture


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About Me

i was born april 12, 2006 at 1:45 pm. i weighed 10 pounds and 11 ounces and i was 22 inches long. after 5 days of bein born, i could hold my head up all by myself. at 3 months i got my first tooth, then another at 4 months, another at 6 months, and at 7 months, my two front top teeth came in on the same day! so i have 5 teeth right now. im weighin close to 24 lbs and over 31 inches. im eatin lots of "big kid" food and i usually feed myself, dependin on what it is! id much rather stand than sit or crawl, so mommy helps me with that. i can wave bye-bye and hello, but normally i choose not to. other than that, im just growin like a weed and learnin so much.
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MoMMy aNd BaBy SuRveY

MoMMyS FuLL NaMe: kayla machelli sanders
AGe WhEn PReGNaNt: 19
CuRReNt AGe: 20
HOw FaR & lOnG wERe yOu wHeN yOu FoUnd OuT?: i was 12 weeks
STiLL wiTh ThE FaTheR?: nope
WhAT waS yOuR FiRsT ReaCtiOn wHeN yOu FoUnd OuT yOu wErE PreGnaNt?: i was so freakin excited
HOw DiD tHe FaTheR ReaCt??: his words were "you just fucked up my life"
HOw DiD YOuR PaReNtS TaKe ThE NEwS?: mom was so psyched
HOw DiD yOu FeeL aBoUt yOuR FiRsT ULTraSOuNd sOuNd?: i wanted to know then what the baby was
WhaT MoNth DiD yOu FiNd OuT ThE seX Of ThE BaBy?: i was 22 weeks, so 5 1/2 months
WHeRe yOu HaPPy aBOuT ThE seX OF The BaBy??: i didnt want a boy but when i found out i was havin a boy, it was everything i wanted
WHaT weRe yOuR CraViNgs?: TACO BELL!!
DiD yOu ExCeRSiCe wHeN yOu wERe PreGnaNt??: the last month i was pregnant i did.
HOw MuCh WeiGht DiD yOu GaiN??: 60 lbs
DiD yOu GeT MoRniNg SiCkNeSs?: nope
DiD yOu eNjOy weaRiNg maTeRniTy CLoTheS??: most of my clothes were really cute, but towards the end, i just wore overalls!
WhaT BoOks DiD yOu ReaD wHeN yOu weRe PreGnaNt??: dr. seuss books and the bible"what to expect where youre expecting"
DiD yOu aTTeNd aNy PReGNaNcy CLaSSes, LiKe LaMaze?: oh god no
OveRaLL...DeSCriBe yOuR PreGNaNcy.: i was huge. i looked 9 months at 6 months and at the end i was 58 cm from top to bottom.

HOw DiD yOu KnOw yOu weRe iN LaBoR?: lol...i was enduced and an hour later i started havin contractions...BAD contractions!
DiD yOuR waTeR BreAk??: after like 7 or 8 hours after labor began
WhaT weRe yOuR CoNtraCtiOns LiKe??: couldnt feel most of them, but the ones i did feel, OMG! makes you not want to do it again thats for sure.
HoW LoNg weRe yOu iN laBoR fOr??: almost 12 hours exact
WhO waS iN ThE DeLiVeRy RoOm wiTh yOu??: my mom and my aunt
WaS iT aN EaSy DeLiVeRy??: i pushed for 15 min and only bout 10 times, so id say so.
DiD yOu CrY DuRiNg LaBoR??: nope

BaBYs FuLL NaMe: dakota tykumpsa sanders
BiRTh DaTe: 4-12-06
TiMe BoRn: 1:45pm
GeNdeR: male
LeNgTh: 22 inches
weiGht: 10lbs 11oz
WhaT waS ThE FiRsT ThiNg yOu SaiD tO yOuR BaBy?: hey there baby
wHo ViSiTeD yOu aNd ThE BaBy aT The HoSpiTaL?: my aunt, car & blake, kale & jeff, kyle & lindsey & riley. my police buddy, ben and his gf had their baby the same day and they visisted me when they left the hospital.
wiLL yOu BreAsTFeeD?: i did for 2 weeks...i had problems with my right side
wHaT waS The FiRsT NiGht BeiNg a PaReNt LiKe?: he actually slept all through the night for the first 3 months, then he decided to wake up all through the night!
DiD yOu GeT sLeeP?: i did in the beginning, now i dont
wHeN DiD yOu Go HoMe?: we spent 3 days in the hospital

HOw OLd iS yOuR BaBy NoW?: he is 8 1/2 months
STiLL wiTh The FaTheR??: long and not far enough gone!
WhO DOeS uR BaBy LoOk LiKe NoW??: like his daddy
BeeN BaPtiZed??: not yet
yOuR BaByS CuRReNt MiLeStOnE AchiEveMeNt??: HES CRAWLING!!!
WhaTs yOuR BaBy'S FavOriTe ThiNg To Do??: crawl, stand, and be held
yOuR BaByS FaVe ToY?: my car keys
WhAt iS iT LiKe BeiNg a PaReNt?: i love it and i wouldnt trade it for anything in the world
ReaDy FoR aNoTheR OnE?: um. no. dont know if ill ever be. if the one guy i let go would come back, and we settled don, then yeah, i probably would. but i dont know right now.
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My Interests

*sleeping *eating *takin my baths *watchin tv with mom *playin with my toys *takin naps with mom *eating *takin trips in the car *playin on the floor or the bed *playin in the crib or in my jumper or walker. *smoke breaks with mom and mo
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Graphics & Glitters @ JellyMuffin.com
Graphics & Glitters @ JellyMuffin.com
Graphics & Glitters @ JellyMuffin.com

I'd like to meet:

the whole world! kota is such a friendly and happy baby. he enjoys life. just look at him and he'll smile right back! **♥** **♥** **♥** **♥** **♥** **♥**


*country *rap/r&b (when mom and aunt sarah get the chance) **♥** **♥**


disney movies


i really like the mickey mouse clubhouse and just about anything that has lots of movement and color. **♥** **♥** **♥**


we dont really read anymore...no time for it...im busy busy busy! **♥**


my mommy of course...lol. oh, and i cant forget mo...shes the bestest grandma in the world!