adidas, adult swim, art, bannana republic, bass guitar, beastie boys, bmx, books, cars, cartoons, cheese, clothing, clubs, comics, computers, dancing, DJing, dnb, dreams, drinking, drums, extream sports, fast forward, fight club, filming, food, futurama, green day, guitar, hook-ups, house, independent films, kenneth cole, kids in the hall, life, live bands, magic, metallica, movies, music, piano, pictures, production, promotions, punk, radio, skateboarding, snowboarding, south park, stuff, surfing, tacos, techno, the simpsons, toys, trance, video games, websites, women, writing. Yeah you know what? Just ask its a lot quicker and more detailed then this.
Eh, who knows. (Girl with a british accent, and glasses) Or that one girl I see at clubs.Sometimes you want to go, were everybody knows your name..
I like just about anything and everything. 50's,60's,70's,80's,90's up to today. House, Trance, dnb, hip-hop, punk, Oi, Indi, Breaks, Music sound tracks, Daft Punk, Johnny Cash, The Ramons, DKM, RunDMC, New Order, Joy Division, Cure, Beastie Boys, OutKast, Metallica, Nerd, Interpool, and so on and so on and so on. Get the picture? The Beatles all the way!..
Film student I will watch anything. Aske me and I shall tell. Drama, Comedy, action, Horror, Dark Comedy, B-movies, musicals, doc's., Cartoon, Anime, Kung-Fu flicks, artistic
I don't know whats good on ? Cartoon Network....
Green Eggs and Ham, Chuck Palahnick (Fight Club, Choke, Invisable Monsters, Survior, ect.), Comics, and anything with pictures
Harrison Ford, Bruce Lee, Jacky Chan, Wes Anderson, Daft Punk, Fincher, David Linch, Hitchcock, Tim Burton, Daft Punk, Hot girl from club the other night????