I think the headline says it all. That's correct, I am a N-E-R-D. The things that make me a nerd? Let's see:
number 1: I am a software developer.
number 2: I play video games (pronounced vid-yuh games).
number 3: I like sci-fi (star trek and whatnot).
number 4: I watch lots of anime. This further subclassifies me as an otaku, which is Japanese for nerd (sorta). When the Japanese consider you a nerd, I think that's about as nerdy as you can get (on the scale of 1 to 10, probably a 9).
I could go on about what makes me such a nerd, but I'll leave it at that for now and move on to some of my other interests and features. I enjoy cars a great deal; I like to race and drift my 85 toyota corolla gt-s. Since I've moved to the Seattle area I've been doing some skiing and hiking, and I've loved every minute of it. It's been said that I look like a lumberjack or mountain man, probably due to the fact I'm usually sporting a nice full beard and carry myself like a strong, silent kind of guy; but appearances are misleading in this case. Many of my friends know me to be a passionate person, which is just a nice way of saying loud and opinionated. I have been known for the occasional profanity laced tirade, usually induced by some kind of competitive event (raquetball, madden football, etc).