Art, Medieval stuff, creativity in general, history, studying stuff just for the hell of it, camping/hiking, almost anything related to those things I have previously metioned, and a whole bunch of other stuff that has slipped my mind at the moment.
Someone in the entertainment industry (film, video games, tv, whatever) looking to hire me as an artist when I graduate in less than a year. I will get a good portfolio together soon, untill then I have art viewable on the deviantart gallery listed in the "about me" section.Other than that I'd also like to meet cool people to hang out with, friends with similar interests, that type of stuff.I'll just see who I happen to run into.
Credence Clearwater Revival, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Hendrix, Country, Classic Rock, Classical, Medieval.
Lord of the Rings, Braveheart, Sword in the Stone, Henry V, the Passion, Bambi, Monsters Inc.
Lord of the Rings, the Narnia Series as well as anything else by C.S. Lewis (including the Peralandra trilogy), Brian Jaques' Redwall series (though I'm a bit behind in reading those), The Song of Roland, and many others.
I don't have any specific heroes, I mean I have some pretty high standards you've gotta meet before you reach my heroes list... I guess that Jesus and a few saints might be at that level. However, there are people who aren't neccesarilly heroes but I respect or look up to. Most of these include a long list of artists and some of my instructors at Art Center. Of course, my Mom and Dad get on the "respect/look up to" list as well (anyone who is willing to put up with raising a nut like me desreves it)