my interests include chatting, meeting new friends, friends, friends, and friends...hehe...uhm, what else? ah, i also like deejaying, talking, speaking, and just conversing (WITH SENSE)...ok? uhm, i also like you can give yours to me if you want to junk it...ahehehe...(",)
smart, happy to express themselves without "a trace" of exagerration. fRieNds arE all i waNt. i want someone wHoM i coUld taLk to sensiBly, who never pReteNds he kNows whAt he doeSn't. SomeOne whO knowS that He doeSn't kNow--- LOGIC 101... hahaha... i want someoNe wHo feeLs the saMe waY thAt i FeeL... (",)
RnB, Pop, Mild Rock, Understandable Rap, Opera, (I'M REALLY A WEIRDO WHEN IT COMES TO MUSIC...I'm not the oh-I-like-the-newest-song-on-the-radio-and-I-dance-to-its-be
at...I'm the liker for oldies and more sensible music. But I also appreciate punk ones...OK?
Castaway, Gandhi, Anne Frank, Schindler's List, Phone Booth, Uhm mostly classic ones...
Oprah, Nat'l Geogenius, The Contenders, CSI, American Idol, Will and Grace and other funny sitcoms...(",)
In The Presence of My Enemies, To Kill A Mockingbird, Trilogy:Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter (1-5), The Purpose Driven Life
THE LORD JESUS CHRIST - though I am "confused," it is HE who shaLL guide me to UnraveL and dEePLy unDersTand whaT i Am... HE is My rEst wheneveR i am tirEd... HE iS my defeNder whenever i aM pErseCuteD... tO HIM i give everything oF mE... i shALL feeL secUre iN the pReseNce oF mY LORD JESUS CHRIST...Martin Luther King, Mohandas "Mahatma" GandHi, Oscar SchindlEr