Member Since: 5/24/2006
Band Members: ""2alee Al Amar Sho Bak, Nater 3ala Al Shibak, Wa Msa7ar Al Najmat, Wa 3am Tekrij Al Dam3at........Wal Ghaim Bil 3alee, Assar La7alee, Sim3at Al Najmat, Min Hal Aleb A7aatt....""
Throughout 60 years, he devoted his art to the human values he believes in. He was able to make his songs known by all in Lebanon and the Arab world. His audience gathered people of all ages, tastes, classes and regions, in a new school based on tradition and inspired by folklore. He performs his songs with spontaneity and simplicity aided by a flexible voice, which can change form one note to another and expresses, thus, the power and richness of his vocal talents. Wadih El Safi has proved that his voice has no match and can perform all kinds of songs with the same high skills. He is, thus, worthy of sitting at the throne of the genuine Arab Tarab.
Sounds Like: ""Gayrak Meen Saharnee Layalee, Gayrak Meen 3a Hal Alb Galee, Ma Be Geeb Rasmak Min 5ayalee, Lauw Bit Thal 6ool Al 3omer Gayeeb..""
""Ya Rait Feyee 6eer Wa Shoof Al Helew Bakeer, Min Fir2itoo Ra7 Seer Ath3af Min 5ayalee...""
""Bessaha tlaayna bel saha
Alayha jouz eyoun shu dabbaha
Aami yekhzi el ayn wel khaddayni
Teffaha betghar men teffaha
Lamouni el ezzal wel arayeb
Lamouni el khellan wel habayeb
Eltella ya bent albi dayeb
Alet ma behwak bel saraha
Henni al meshtaa nater basmi
Betreddellu el rouh law tebtesme
Kel ma saub el ayn tullet nasmi
Tehmellek salam teht jnaha
Ya albi lawain lahei darbak
Taweini ya alb wensa hobbak
Alitly ma breed teteob albak
Eltella ya rouhi taabek raha""
Type of Label: None