Bruce profile picture


I am here for Dating

About Me

I like lots of other things, but those are some of my favorites. No matter what anyone writes about their likes, dislikes, feelings, etc., none of it has the impact of looking at a face, having a conversation, trying out a kiss. I'll tell ya anything you want to know. Just don't make me write down a bunch of truths, lies and delusions. I like to enjoy those in the privacy of my own mind. Busy, divorced, kids with me half the time, not enough fun the other half. I do semi-artistic work (sound for films), so I like (at least) semi-artistic girls. Actually I like all girls, but it seems that it's the artistic ones that like me. And after all, it is nice to be understood. I like many deep things, but if a date doesn't have some pretty big laughs, it won't be my cup of tea.

My Interests

Raising my children, history, philosophy, politics, music, art, wine, cooking.

I'd like to meet:

Brainy love, sex, wine, music & steak seeker. Or a nice girl who visits her mom & dad regularly. Or Anne Archer. Or anyone who's busy and looking for fun, stimulation, or something new.


All types, couldn't pick. Nothing I hear on commercial radio today. Nothing of what I hear on the rare occasions I tune in to KCRW, probably unfair, so sue me. Much of what I hear when I tune into the Northridge college station.


Anything by Eastwood, Kubrick, Coppola, Zemekis, Donner, Peckinpah, Ford, Hawks, Capra, Hitchcock, Woody Allen before he started fucking his daughter. The seven-hour Hitler film from the late '70's, Burn's Civil War. Many others.


Sometimes rent DVD's of series. No TV in house. Enjoy 24 even though it's kind of mealy-mouthed, at least Jack kills or tortures a couple bad guys each week. Threre's better melodrama in any two episodes of Hill Street Blues than in almost any feature released in the same year.


history, philosophy, politics, music, art, wine, cooking Particularly enjoy Roger Scruton, Jacques Barzun, Paul Johnson.


My mom and dad. Abraham Lincoln.