Isnt it beautiful?I miss winter in Sweden!My "gullunge"#1 Joakim in Sydney, Australia September 2006
LOVE YA!! My Gullunge #3 Niklas Lille katt, lille katt Lille söte katten Vet du att, vet du att Det ar mörk om nattenDECEMBER2006
Siesta Key, Sarasota Nov 2006Trånghalla, Sweden June2006
The biggest Christmas Goat in the worldThe strange history of the Gävle Goat began in 1966. A man named Stig Gavlén came up with the idea of making a giant version of the traditional Swedish Christmas goat of straw. The aim was to attract customers to the the shops and restaurants in the southern part of the town centre.On 1 December the 13-metre tall, 7-metre long, 3 tonne goat stood on the square. At the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, the goat went up in smoke. The perpetrator was found and charged with vandalism.The Gävle Goat has been burned down 22 times since then. This year we celebrate his 40th birthday and the best present we could give him is to keep him alive. We have therefore impregnated him with flame retardant chemicals, which will keep him fire proof. We did try this some 10 years ago, but the chemicals were then washed off by the rain.
Lelle's boat SVEA, SwedenOMG, Lelle, what have you done??
My dad, Navy Captain